Soonamai & her husband Kaikhushru “Masa” Irani. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
(Mother of Khorshed)
Soonamasi, mother of Khorshed joined the women Mandali during early years and was part of the ashram till the New Life.
During August 1919, Gulmai’s sister Soonamasi and her husband Kaikhushru Beheram Irani came to Ahmednagar from Bombay to visit their relatives. Kaikhushru Masa, as he was known, was a successful jeweler and an ardent lover of God. About eight years before, he had been to Shirdi for Sai Baba’s darshan. It was at Shirdi that he had learned of Upasni Maharaj and had gone for his darshan at the Khandoba Temple. Later, he became a regular visitor to Sakori, where he met Merwan Seth and immediately recognized the divinity manifest in him. Kaikhushru Masa tried to persuade his sister-in-law Gulmai to accompany them to Sakori, but she refused because she felt her husband would not like it.
Her life time interaction with Meher Baba is briefly described as under:
In year 1919, Soonamasi longed to take her sister Gulmai to Sakori before she and her husband left for Bombay. For two weeks she pleaded with her sister to visit the Sadguru, but Gulmai refused. Finally, Gulmai agreed and was accompanied by Kaikhushru Masa, and Mr. and Mrs. Bekhoda Faredoon Irani, acquaintances from Poona.
Chief among these was a Zoroastrian jeweler from Bombay- Kaikhushru Masa, his wife Soonamasi, and their twelve-year old daughter Khorshed. Kaikhushru Masa was a frequent visitor to Sakori, and it was he who had first told his wife and her sister Gulmai about Upasni Maharaj. He was instrumental in bringing Gulmai and her whole family into Maharaj’s contact and, subsequently into Meher Baba’s. Kaikhushru Masa had seen Baba at Sakori, and his wife Soonamasi most likely met Baba a year prior at the opening of Sarosh Manzil in Ahmednagar. But for their daughter Khorshed, this meeting on the train was her first encounter with Baba, to whom she soon dedicated her life.
In year 1922, before leaving for Bombay, Soonamasi and her daughter Khorshed met with Baba in private. He inquired how Soonamasi liked it at Sakori, and she replied that she liked it very much. “Will you come and stay with Me?” He asked.
“When?” asked Soonamasi.
“Not now, but later after I have arranged a place. I only wanted to know if you would.”
“Promise Me,” He said, and Soonamasi held out her hand in promise.
Khorshed was keenly interested in their conversation and thought: “Why is Meher Baba only asking Mother? He must ask me to come and stay with Him, too!”
However, He only remarked to Khorshed, “Be good. Think of Me and we will meet again.” Baba was deliberately ignoring her so that Khorshed would become more eager to join Him.
During this period, Baba visited the house of the jeweller Kaikhushru Masa in Parel with Adi and Gustadji. Kaikhushru Masa was absent, but his wife Soonamasi and daughter Khorshed, along with an aunt Motibai, were having lunch. Mounting the stairs, without knocking, Baba entered their house and went straight into their kitchen, leaving Adi and Gustadji behind. The Master was dressed in His usual attire — a long white shirt, white cotton pants and an Irani kerchief around His head. Seeing this stranger burst in upon them, the aunt exclaimed, “Who is this madcap?”
Soonamasi and Khorshed immediately recognized Baba, whom they had met in Sakori in May. Both received Him with great reverence, while Motibai felt quite ashamed. Baba informed them that He was now residing in the city and said, “Tell Masa to come and see Me at the Manzil early every morning, before going to his shop, and in the evening also. Khorshed, too, should visit Me daily after school. Soonamasi, you may come at any time during the day.” Baba then departed, leaving them excited at the prospect of seeing Him every day.
Gulmai’s sister Soonamasi Irani, her husband Kaikhushru Masa, and their daughter Khorshed had come from Bombay to attend Rustom’s wedding. On one occasion, Baba advised Soonamasi and Khorshed to stay in Ahmednagar so they could regularly come for His darshan at Arangaon
Baba left Meherabad for Agra with His fourteen mandali occupied a third class compartment. They were accompanied by Soonamasi and others. The train left at 12:30 in the afternoon and reached Manmad in the early evening. Food for all had been prepared by Gulmai and Pilamai, and at Manmad they cooked fresh food for Baba. As their connecting train was not to arrive until 8:00 P.M., they went for a stroll in the city.
The next day, 21 th June, Baba with the mandali, Sohrab, and Rusi and his family, went to see the water works in the mountain pass at Urak — a fourteen-mile drive from Quetta. They stayed in the dak bungalow there, and games of seven tiles and thumps and bumps were played as Gulmai, Soonamasi, Khorshed and Rusi’s wife cooked lunch.
Baba had sent Soonamasi and her daughter Khorshed from Ahmedabad to Ahmednagar with orders that they should remain there unless otherwise instructed. While Baba and the mandali were touring Gujarat, Soonamasi’s husband Kaikhushru Masa became seriously ill in Bombay. Although Soonamasi received a telegram urging her to immediately come to Bombay, she did not go. In a few days another telegram was received about his condition, but Soonamasi obeyed the Master’s orders and did not leave.
In year 1923, after Baba returned to Meherabad, He called Soonamasi and Khorshed to Him. When He was informed about Kaikhushru Masa’s illness, he asked, “Why didn’t you go?”
“How could I break your order?” Soonamasi replied,
“What if Masa had died?” Baba asked. “Then what?”
“So what?” Soonamasi answered. “Everyone has to die sometime.”
“What will your relatives say about your behavior?”
“I don’t care about what anyone thinks. What do I have to do with the world when I am at your feet?”
Baba then smilingly told her, “Had you broken My order, Masa would have died; but now he won’t. You have saved him by obeying My instructions.” Baba at once sent her and Khorshed to Bombay, and Kaikhushru Masa’s health improved as soon as they arrived
Baba and group stayed n Abdulla Jaffer’s house in the Camp area of Poona. 23rd of August 1923, was the ninth day of Moharrum and Baba watched the Tazia procession from Dr. Mody’s dispensary, where Abdulla had arranged seats for them. Baba had especially invited Daulatmai, her daughter Mehera, Soonamasi and Khorshed to join him in Poona to see the parade.
In October 1923, before Baba left for Sakori, He told Kaikhushru Masa, Soonamasi and Khorshed to move from their home in Parel to the portion of the Irani Mansion house in Dadar which he had been using for the mandali and Circle & Company. Baba also told them that, after going to Sakori, He had definitely decided to visit Persia with some of the mandali.
Before departing Bombay And later Quetta, Baba then informed Soonamasi and Khorshed, “I will not be back for twelve years. You should stay here and remember Me. This time I won’t be taking you with Me to Quetta.”
After arriving in Bombay on 3rd June 1934, they resided at No. 6 Irani Mansion — the home of Kaikhushru Masa. Soonamasi and Khorshed attended to Baba’s wishes there and preparations for the journey to Quetta were speedily executed.
Arriving back in Bombay on Friday, 25th July 1924, they stayed at Kaikhushru Masa’s apartment at Irani Mansion. Soonamasi and especially Khorshed were happy that Baba had returned. Baba had been gone for a month and a half — not twelve years, as he had told them he would be. By the end of July, those mandali with families had departed for their respective homes, and only six men remained with the Master.
Soonamasi, Dina Talati, and Small Khorshed would often come to the Bharucha Building, and occasionally, Baba would let them accompany the other women on walks that he led throughout the city. At one point, He took them to Victoria Gardens every day for a week. He would move about rapidly, doing His inner work, telling the ladies to have a casual look around the gardens.
One day, Baba showed them the bench where, as Merwan, He used to sit during the period in 1916 of His coming down to normal human consciousness. It was the place where a Parsi had misconstrued His peculiar behavior and had slapped Him for staring at his daughter. Baba narrated the incident to the women, laughing about how humorous it seemed now.
Baba’s 31st birthday was celebrated on 18th February 1925, at Meherabad. A huge pavilion was erected over the Post Office verandah and elaborately decorated. Hundreds assembled for his darshan. His parents, Bobo and Memo, had arrived a few days before with his brothers, Beheram and Adi, and sister Mani. All of the Master’s close followers from Bombay, Poona, and Ahmednagar also arrived prior to the celebration. Khorshed, Soonamasi, and Small Khorshed were already staying in the Post Office building, which was now established as the permanent residential quarters for the women mandali.
A meeting with the mandali was held in the evening, which Memo, Gulmai and Soonamasi attended. Explaining why He was moving to Bombay, Baba stated, “I have been feeling tired for a long time now with the monotony of things, especially with staying in one place and observing silence. I will stay on the hill for three or four days and afterward will decide about going to Bombay. But one thing is certain; I won’t leave Meherabad before November 20th.” Baba told Soonamasi that He would be happy to stay at Dadar if accommodation could be provided; otherwise, He would stay at Santa Cruz. He advised His mother to come with him to Bombay and not think about Mani’s schooling. She said she would let him know, after He decided where He would be staying.
All of the mandali expressed their desire to continue their stay with Baba. To celebrate their decision, a game of cricket was played, and Baba afterward served milk tea. Meanwhile, Kaikhushru Masa, his wife Soonamasi, and their daughter Khorshed arrived from Bombay and began living at Meherabad.
Kaikhushru Masa and Soonamasi returned to Bombay temporarily on 4th July. (Their daughter Khorshed remained with the women mandali.)
In spite of spending the major portion of His time with the schoolchildren, Baba would also be attentive to the duty of each mandali member and would supervise everything minutely. Daulatmai and her daughter Mehera, Naja, Soonamasi and her daughter Small Khorshed, Dolly, and Baba’s sister-in-law, Big Khorshed, were the women mandali staying at Meherabad at this time, and Gulmai would come every day from Ahmednagar to share in their work.
The next day, Kaikhushru Masa, his wife Soonamasi, and Pilamai left Toka for Bombay, from where Pilamai traveled on to Karachi.
In 1928, at Toka women mandali, including Soonamasi and others were given the duty of preparing 1,000 chapatis a day for the ashram residents. The mandali helped to clean the wheat, and Waman Subnis, who was strong and muscular, would knead the dough and also milk the cows. Kaikhushru Masa, his wife Soonamasi, and Pilamai slept in a small tatta hut adjacent to the kitchen, and Kaikhushru continued his watch duties by the women’s side.
Different people would come and go under the Master’s direction. Soonamasi and her daughter Khorshed returned to Toka from Bombay to join the women mandali on 17th November1928.
During the morning on 1st June 1929, Baba broke His fast with a little rice and dal. Kaikhushru Masa, Soonamasi, Khorshed, Freiny, and Dolly met Baba that day, and Baba discussed Kaikhushru Masa’s personal affairs with him.
After separate arrangements were made for New Prem Ashram, Baba left on Sunday, 9 th June 1929 to visit the women mandali in Nasik. Chanji, Buasaheb, Kaikhushru Masa and Soonamasi accompanied him. Welcoming him back with happy smiles, Mehera, Naja, and Khorshed hung a garland of flowers they had woven around Baba’s neck. In His absence, the women would pass their spare time preparing adornments for Baba and on his arrival they would dress him in them. At times they would make a crown, a gown or a robe, and elaborate garlands. All of these items were drenched with a Wine of a vintage none can record. The unequalled quality of their love and adoration cannot be described in words
As mentioned, Kaikhushru’s relatives were antagonistic toward Baba and did not approve of Kaikhushru, Soonamasi, and Khorshed staying with Him and living under His guidance. They feared all of the family’s wealth would be given to Meher Baba. So before Kaikhushru could do that, the relatives forced him to have his property legally transferred to them, after which he was set free.
The women mandali living in Nasik were Mehera, Daulatmai, Naja, Big Khorshed, Soonamasi and Small Khorshed. Gulmai’s daughter, Dolly, had returned to Ahmednagar before Baba left for Kashmir. (She later rejoined the group.) Masaji was staying in Nasik to look after the women, do their shopping, and help in any way he could.
The women mandali stayed in Nasik were Mehera, Daulatmai, Naja, Khorshed, Soonamasi, and Walu.
Gulmai, Daulatmai, Soonamasi, and Dina Talati had met with Baba at noon on Saturday, 11th January 1930, and Memo and Mani arrived for a visit on the 13th. Mani and Rustom’s children, Mehlu, Falu, and Meheru entertained Baba that evening with songs and a “fancy dress” show. Kalemama and his family visited the same night, with Manekar.
Baba left Bombay on the 17th by train in the night and reached Nasik next day in the morning. He went straight to where Masa was staying and spread His bedding on the verandah outside Masa’s room, resting there for the night. Baba frequently rose during the night to look in on Masa, consoling the ailing man, “Masa, do not worry. I am here to be with you. Remember Me.”
The next morning, Baba sent for Soonamasi and Khorshed, and asked Khorshed to sing a ghazal; thus, Baba kept Masa (who was in the next room) occupied with thoughts of God. At one o’clock on Sunday afternoon, 18th January 1931, Masa’s soul merged in eternal peace forever. He was only 51 years old.
This was the first time the Master had stayed near a dying person from among the mandali during his last moments. The next day Kaikhushru Masa’s funeral was performed in the town of Deolali, four miles from Nasik, at the Zoroastrian Tower of Silence. Four or five of the mandali attended.
She was very fond of dressing well, but Baba took away all her belongings and handed them to her daughter Khorshed. A few days later, however, Baba took them away from Khorshed also. In those days, the women mandali were kept aloof in their separate compound and would dress in plain cotton saris with long-sleeved blouses. They were ordered to dress modestly and to keep their heads covered at all times with a scarf so as not to show their hair. One day Baba decided to rummage through the women’s trunks. Soonamasi’s trunk contained beautiful, embroidered saris, which she had brought from Bombay.
The women expressed their wish to stay with Baba. How could Mehera, Naja, Khorshed, Soonamasi or Daulatmai ever leave their Beloved Lord? Mehera’s heart would never accept such separation; there was no place in her heart for anyone except Baba. The same was true with the other gopis. Their decision made Baba extremely happy and the serious atmosphere turned into a scene of gaiety. Baba served food, and played with Dina’s five-year old daughter Jeroo and three-year-old son Curshed, and Freiny’s daughters Meheru, four, and one-year-old Naggu. After hearing songs sung by the women, Baba sent them back to Nasik.
Vishnu and Rustom in Bombay had been informed to come from Nasik to meet Baba. . Gulmai, Freiny, Soonamasi, and Buasaheb were with Rustom. Chanji informed Rustom that he was to accompany Baba and a few others to England. Rustom was told to come and see Baba immediately.
Arriving in India, Baba, Chanji and Agha Ali reached Bombay on 1 st January 1932. At Ballard Pier, Baba was welcomed home with heartfelt joy by Shireenmai, Soonamasi and others followers. Baba had been away for five months.
In 1931, before leaving Bombay, Baba obtained a new Persian passport on 16th January 1932. He then returned to Nasik, where the men and women mandali received him heartily with joy. The women members of the ashram, Soonamasi and others. Gulmai, her daughter Dolly and Big Khorshed were finely dressed to greet the Beloved, and some of them even played musical instruments to welcome Him.
In Nasik, too, the Master’s return was welcomed by all the mandali, especially the women. For the past six months, the women mandali — Mehera, Naja, Big Khorshed, Soonamasi, Small Khorshed and Daulatmai — had not been in Baba’s presence except briefly in Bombay during July, and they had longed for His return. They were leading simple, austere lives in seclusion in Nasik and eating plain food. They came from good families and only the love for their Beloved enabled them to lead this type of life. “For the sake of love, “For the sake of the Beloved, one can sacrifice every type of worldly happiness; the greatest material pleasure has no value before love.”
Soonamasi was the manager of the women’s ashram, but she kept committing errors in her accounts. She had so much trouble keeping track of the money while shopping in the bazaar that it afforded amusing incidents for the other women, which they related with humor to Baba.
In 1933, Baba introduced Mehera, and the Western women saw that she was just as Baba had described — pure and beautiful. They were then introduced to Mani, Freiny, Gulmai, Naja, Big Khorshed Soonamasi and Small Khorshed. Gulmai’s daughter Dolly was not present; she was ill in bed. The ladies exchanged presents with their Indian sisters and the women mandali dressed the Western women in saris.
Once Baba returned to Nasik, He resumed His usual activities. Both the men and women mandali were very happy to have him back and accorded him a hearty reception. Soonamasi was one of the women mandali stayed with baba.
The women mandali now in Meherabad were Mehera, Mani, Naja, Soonamasi, Small Khorshed, Walu and Kakubai (Vishnu’s mother). Pilamai and her daughter Silla would come and go. Soonamasi and Kakubai would keep watch by the gate, Naja would cook and Mehera would attend to Baba’s food, clothing and other personal needs.
In 1934, the women were still residing on the hill and no man was allowed to go there. They were kept in strict seclusion, away from any man’s contact. Only Soonamasi and Kakubai, who kept watch by the gate to ensure their privacy, were permitted to talk with the men mandali if there was any reason.
On 30 January 1936, Baba left in morning by bus for Poona with Mehera, Mani, Naja, Khorshed, Soonamasi, Walu and Indu Subnis (Waman’s daughter).The rest of the mandali stayed at Meherabad.
Before all the illness struck to Mehera and admitted in Hospital, Soonamasi had been keeping watch outside the bungalow during the day; but since she was appointed to cook for Mani, there was no one to take her place. Since none of the men mandali was allowed to go to the women’s side, Baba Himself began keeping watch, and when Soonamasi was done cooking she would relieve Him.
Leaving Rahuri, group drove on to Meherabad, arriving at eleven o’clock. Baba showed them the men’s quarters at lower Meherabad, and then took the Western women up the hill to see Mehera and the other women mandali: Naja, Mani, Khorshed, Soonamasi, Gulmai, Walu and Kakubai. Memo was also there, and Baba took them to meet her at the Family Quarters where Daulatmai (Mehera’s mother) and her sister Freiny Masi (Padri’s mother) were living
Mani had recovered from her ear operation by then and returned to Upper Meherabad to join the other women — Mehera, Naja, Khorshed, Soonamasi and Walu. Vishnu’s mother Kakubai was living in lower Meherabad.
Unlike in Nasik, Baba gave few spiritual explanations or discourses to the group in Cannes. Those women living at Villa Caldana — Mehera, Mani, Naja, Khorshed, Soonamasi, Walu, Norina, Elizabeth, Rano and Kitty — spent the day taking walks and playing games in the garden.
Consuelo and Alfredo de Sides (Baba lovers from Paris) had invited Baba to Paris, along with the women mandali. On Sunday morning, 19th September 1937, He left at five o’clock by car with Mehera, Mani, Khorshed, Naja, Kitty and Elizabeth with instructions to meet them in Paris, Rano and Anita accompanied Soonamasi and Walu by train. Baba and the women spent one night at the town of Lyons and then drove on to Paris, stopping for a picnic on the way.
After assigning duties to each of the mandali, Baba left for Panchgani on14th March 1938, in car. Baba traveled in Elizabeth’s Ford. Tukaram drove most of the others including Soonamasi.
But Baba also liked to tease Ghani and other close ones. He would call Soonamasi a “barber!” (An insult in India, meaning someone barbaric.) One day she retorted, “It would have been nice had I really been a barber! Then at least I would have been able to hold your face in my hands once in a while!”
Baba left Baba left Meherabad Hill in the Blue Bus in the early in the morning on 8th December 1938, with the following women including Soonamasi 54.
When Dowla fell ill, the residents formed a language-chain, since Dowla was fluent only in the Persian dialect Dari. Dowla explained her indisposition to Soonamasi in Dari; Soonamasi retold it to Mansari in Gujarati; Mansari recounted it to Nilu in Marathi; and Nilu explained it to Don in English! Baba enjoyed this novel diagnostic method also.
During the tour, Baba continued to sit in seclusion for half an hour each day, and the women were again ordered to maintain absolute silence during this period. Invariably, however, there would always be some noise. Baba finally instructed that they were to sit on their mattresses without moving for 30 minutes. In Shimoga, Soonamasi’s alarm clock stopped working, and Gulamasi was sitting on her bed trying to repair it during Baba’s seclusion time. Suddenly, in the midst of that still, silent atmosphere, the alarm began ringing. Knowing this would displease Baba, the women became so frightened that their hearts were thumping. They quickly buried the ringing clock under a heap of pillows, but its loud ringing could still be heard. Baba immediately came out of His room and reprimanded Gulamasi, but not too harshly. In this instance, He seemed to be more amused than upset.
Baba left Meherabad for Ranchi on Wednesday, 3 July 1940, by train, with the men and women mandali, and three masts, Chatti Baba, Shariat Khan and Mohammed. Among the women who accompanied Baba Soonamasi was one.
Baba ordered the mandali to give a feast to the Arangaon villagers on Sunday, 13th October and Monday, 14 October 1940, in memory of Dowla Masi and Nonny Gayley respectively. At 5:00 P.M. on the 13th, women and children from the village came up the hill, and Soonamasi and Kakubai distributed sweets to them. It began to rain, and Baba remarked, “This will make the villagers even happier! They need rain more than sweets, so Dowla Masi gave them rain.” Baba watched Soonamasi and Kakubai distributing the prasad.
As soon as Baba arrived in Meherabad, He divided the women into five different small groups. Each group was assigned a separate room on Meherabad Hill. The women of one group were forbidden to speak with the women of the other group, and if anyone had to convey something to a woman of a different group, she had to do so through Kitty, who would pass along the message. Soonamasi, Nergiz and Kakubai were kept in fifth group.
In Lahore, Baba divided the eighteen women into two different groups as follows: First group: Mehera, Mani, Margaret, Meheru, Rano, Kitty and Walu. Second group: Dowla, Soonamasi and others.
In year 1944, there were approximately 26 men, 33 women and ten children staying with Meher Baba under His orders at Meherabad and Pimpalgaon. Among them was Soonamasi, aged 53.
Reaching Aurangabad, Baba called the other women there from Meherabad — Soonamasi & others. Baba described to them His Kashmir visit and, after a few days, sent them back to Meherabad.
When Baba returned from Wai, He kept Soonamasi with others stayed elsewhere on the hill.
Baba sent Vishnu to Manmad in advance to book their train compartments. Subsequently, on Tuesday, 16 th April 1946, Baba left Pimpalgaon (driven by Adi Sr. in Sarosh’s car) with others where he entrained for Dehra Dun. In the second group comprised of and Soonamasi and others And they joined Baba’s group at Manmad.
In 1947, at Satara Soonamasi was one among women mandali with Meher Baba.
At Meherabad group was subdivided: In one group will be Khorshed and Soonamasi; in another Kitty, Rano, Naja and Katie; in the third Soltoon and Dowla; and in the fourth Mansari, Jerbai and the Fatties (Jalu, Gulu and Meheru Dastur). Every group will have separate cooking arrangements.
There was a hidden reason behind Baba’s dividing the women at this time — and probably behind his recent work with Chacha, also. The country was about to be partitioned into two parts — India and Pakistan — and violence and civil chaos was breaking out everywhere in India. When the government’s plan for partition was announced, Baba snorted in disgust and remarked, “Two parts — it will be (divided into)!”
Baba asked Soonamasi and her daughter Khorshed for their decision, though a day before He had urged them, “Promise Me that you will do as I say.”
Khorshed did not give her promise and, on Baba’s inquiring, replied, “Now that you are separating Me, what is the use of My promise?”
Baba replied, “Those who are bound by My instructions can never be separate and away from Me. To keep you near Me, I am seeking your promise.” Khorshed therefore promised, and Baba arranged for them to stay at Meherjee’s also.
On the 15th, in Nariman and Meherjee’s cars, Baba sent Rano, Kitty, Khorshed and Soonamasi, along with Minoo Kharas, to Poona, from where they departed for Bombay.
Meanwhile, some other Old Life disciples who were living apart — Rano, Kitty, Khorshed and Soonamasi — were staying at Meherjee’s in Bombay. Because of their obedience to Baba, they too had to pass through various difficult New Life experiences. Rano and Kitty had taken teaching jobs at the Queen Mary High School for girls. They were daily anticipating Baba’s call, as He had promised to send for them. At last, on Friday, 7th July 1950, Baba called them to Satara. They arrived in the morning that evening, and were permitted to stay for one month.
As no women were called to Mahabaleshwar, Soonamasi and others who were in Bombay, also could not meet him
Adi Sr. and Ramjoo were called to Bombay, and were permitted to witness Baba’s mast and poor work in the city. Baba slept at Ashiana, in Nariman’s bedroom, Baba did not meet anyone in Bombay except Nariman and Meherjee — not even Soonamasi, and others who were living there according to his orders.
In 1952, the darshan at Ashiana was a wonderful occasion, affording a chance for the Master’s old and close lovers to have His intimate contact for the first time since the New Life began in 1949. Soonamasi and Khorshed were now staying at Tafti Mansion, Baba directed these women to continue to live as they were doing.
In 1956, Baba arrived in Bombay, where he briefly visited D. M. Shinde’s residence in the Sion locality. His arti was performed, and He proceeded to Ashiana. Khorshed and her mother Soonamasi were also in Bombay, living in Tafti Mansion. They were physically away from Baba according to His wish, yet He would call them on such occasions.
On Sunday, 28 April 1957, Baba moved from Ganeshkhind to Guruprasad, where he remained until the end of May. Soonamasi and Khorshed, who were living in Bombay, were allowed to come for five days.
Soonamasi and her daughter, Khorshed, attended the darshan. They had been staying in Bombay since the New Life began in 1949 and were only permitted to visit Baba occasionally. Soonamasi was miserable at living away from Baba, and Baba assured her, “Don’t think I am keeping you away. By being far, I keep you close to Me.”
At Ashiana, Baba would often send for members of the Dadachanji family, and others such as Dina Talati, her daughters Perviz and Jeroo, or Soonamasi and Khorshed, to give them His company.
References/Images from: Various Lord Meher volumes, discontinued website's ambprasarkendra & love-remembrances, images and dates, stories etc from respective copyright owners websites or publications used with permission - i.e. In His Service, Glow International, MeherBabaTravels, MSI and MNP Collections, from AvatarMeherBabaTrust, BelovedArchives websites and from various other website sources, Books, journal etc. More information where ever available with us like letter scans, stories etc are added. Kindly feel free to Contact us with any updates, photos or corrections etc.

- Adele Wolkin
- Anita de Caro
- Aranvaz Dadachanji
- Delia De Leon
- Dolly Irani
- Elizabeth C. Patterson
- Enid Corfe
- Gaimai Jessawala
- Gulamasi Satha
- Gulmai K Irani
- Gulnar Sukadwala
- Hedi Mertens
- Helen Dahm
- Irene Billo
- Ivy Duce
- Jane Barry Haynes
- Jean Adriel
- Jeanne Shaw
- Kakubai Deorukhkar
- Katie Irani
- Kharmen Masi
- Khorshed Irani
- Kitty Davy
- Manu Jessawala
- Margaret Craske
- Mary Backett
- Nadia Tolstoy
- Nonny Gayley
- Princess Norina Matchabelli
- Roshan Kerawala
- Shanta Devi
- Shirin Sheriar Iran
- Soltoon
- Soonamasi
- Sushila