February 21, 2025
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Online Books

Divya Vani

Divya Vani Edited by Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen https://www.meherbabalibrary.com/advent.htm https://issuu.com/parvardigar

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Books By Meher Baba

Infinite Intelligence

Infinite Intelligence - by This book delves into an ageless subject: God as Infinite Intelligence. Unlike ordinary intelligence, God’s Intelligence not only knows everything but is everything. The universe, which is nothing but imagination, has been created by Intelligence as Īshwar— Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. But when Intelligence as the embodied soul identifies .. As stated in the Foreword by Meherwan Jessawala, “This book plumbs the depths of esoteric truths never before revealed to humankind. The book’s theme is an ageless one, ever old and ever new: God as Infinite Intelligence. Down the centuries, philosophers of diverse stripes and backgrounds have trained their sights on this target. But the profundity and originality of the treatment here attests to a point of view that is rooted not in convention and intellectual tradition but in the Reality, and to an Authority which goes beyond what the limited human mind is capable of.” [… More info …]

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Books By Meher Baba

God Speaks by Meher Baba

GOD SPEAKS BY MEHER BABAGod Speaks by Meher Baba is a vivid description of the theme of creation and its purpose ….using the “Sufi”, “Mystic” and “Vedantic” terminologies at the same time to explain the deepest secrets of evolution and involution through seven planes of consciousness …. God Realization … states of Mazoob, Brahmibhoot, Qutub, and the most awaited event in spirituality the advent of the Avatar, as explained by Meher Baba …. This unparalleled exposition on the theme of God and Creation explains how God, the sole Existence and Reality, comes to know Himself through the medium of His own imagination or dream. Encompassed in the discussion are such topics as: God’s whim to know Himself, the evolution of consciousness, reincarnation, the drop-soul’s involutionary journey through the seven inner planes, God-realization, the spiritual hierarchy, and the ten states of God. (Includes 11 charts.) [… More info …]

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Books By Meher Baba

In God’s Hand

In gods hands by meher babaIn God’s Hand reproduces in facsimile a unique 39-page autograph manuscript in Meher Baba’s own handwriting. That facsimile appears here in full color. (The original manuscript is currently housed in the Archives of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust.) The subject matter is metaphysical, concerning God as Natural Light, Natural Darkness, Unnatural Darkness, and Unnatural Light. It’s the longest-known handwritten .. [… More info …]

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