– Amar Singh Sahgal was a Member Of the Indian Parliament and a follower of Meher Baba –
Sardar Amar Singh Saigal is one of the stalwarts among those who have dedicated their lives to our Beloved Lord Meher Baba. Avatar of the Age wholeheartedly and with absolute faith. His tireless work in the cause of the Avatar and his undaunted love has endeared him more than anyone else, not only to Beloved Baba but also to all those lovers of His family, who have come into contact with him during the period of about a decade of his dedicated life. He was one of the oldest members of the congress party who had the privilege to serve the country as member of the Parliament (Lok Sabha), always elected with a large majority as one befitting his stature and public life, and love for the service of the people whom he loved so dearly. Ever since these ten years of his contact with Beloved Baba, his position as a humble worker of His Choice was indeed unique and his untiring efforts to carry the banner of Baba’s message of Love and Truth by precept and practice won him the popularity and made him a revered colleague among the few sincere souls in public life. Whether it be in parliament or in public talk, he had never left out even a single occasion without bringing in Beloved Baba’s name and stressing the need to heed the call of Avatar of the Age at this moment of confusion and chaos dominated by the feeling of mutual ill-will and hatred in life all around, private or public. He was one of those who ardently believed that the humanity whether Eastern or Western has no other alternative at this critical juncture of evolution but to accept the way of life taught by our Beloved Avatar, the life of love and mutual understanding with an earnest attempt on the part of every individual to do his or her duty in all surrenderance to the Avatar of the Age
He never faltered in his faith and never deviated from his earnest life of obedience and surrender till the last breath. Indeed Amar Singh Saigal has immortalised his name by dint of his love for the Beloved and courage of conviction of his faith in Him. We have no doubt that Beloved Baba will ever bless him with bliss eternal at His holy feet for which Amar Singh has worthily served His cause and surrendered unto Him. We find that one after another is being drawn away from us by Beloved Baba into His Kingdom of eternal peace and joy and it is true that we do feel the loss unbearable from time to time, adding to our misfortune after Beloved Himself dropped His body. It is really very difficult for us, common people to stand this strain of continuous loss but for the sustaining love and inspiring presence that our Beloved Lord and Our Compassionate Father, who is ever lavishly bestowing on us His love and creating opportunities for our humble experience in life by sticking on to ‘His daaman’, Indeed, we share the bereavement caused by the sudden demise* of Bro. Amar Singh Saigal with his dear family and we are sure the whole of Baba family do share our feeling.
blessed with eternal peace by our Beloved.
Divya Vani October 1970 – Editorial message
(Born in Feb. 1903, Came into Avatar Meher Baba’s fold in May 1960 and Died on 17th Sept. 1970.)
Dear Brother Saigal stayed in a rented house like dear Lal Bahadur Shastry. He knew this sojourn on earth is transitory. He used to tell me this is ‘Rainbsesera’. Because of his love and conviction for the Beloved Baba, Brother Saigal’s permanent address will be ‘AZADNAGAR’ where he is really free from bondage and rests in Baba’s lap as His Dear Child ‘AMAR’ (Immortal). The politicians and historians may forget Saigal but in Gods Love story his work will be a legacy of dedicated service to God-Man. From the day he saw Baba first in 1960 to the last breath of his life he was for Baba’s cause. May be a meeting here, a mela there or calling on a VIP even the highest dignitaries of the country or abroad, his Love for Baba smiled through his talks. He was not an intellectual but with simple faith he accepted Beloved as GURU Nanak.
Travelling abroad recently in Iran and other places he spoke of Baba and brought the ‘Truth’ home to many a sincere aspirant in His love. In Yugoslovakia when he was the guest of honour with the members of the presidium, he spoke to many on “Master”. He told that Baba is Christ to the Pope in Rome, Vatican. In Iran he spent lovingly with the Baba family.
Named as “SHABD ADHAR” by his parents in child- hood, a true follower of Mahatma Gandhi, a trusted Lieut. of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, in his later years of life he became a very very devoted and a dedicated worker of AVATAR MEHER BABA. His ancestors migrated to Bihar, his father came and settled in the Chattisgarhi region of Madhya Pradesh. In Saigal we could see triple qualities, the Valour of the Punjabi, the painstaking working spirit of the Behari, and the simplicity of the Chattisgarhi. He was ever-ready to go to any corner of the country to serve His cause. He told his colleagues in the party and parliament very boldly, that too at his own cost of being belittled and befouled by them many times that all this game is directed by Baba, the Avatar of the Age, who in His own silent way is doing His work. Shri Saigal was a powerful instrument of Baba. Taking His name in his heart, Saigal made very sincere attempts to talk of Baba in the Parliament and over the Radio and succeeded in his efforts. He has fixed up the President, Shri V. V. Giri to lay the foundation stone of Meher Vidya Dham at Meherpuri on 19th Nov 1970.
In the meetings at various places people praised his service to the country. In Bilaspur town hall at a largely attended public meeting many people paid tributes. Of them two are worth mentioning as they relate to his love for His Beloved God. Shri ROHINI KUMAR BAJPAJ, a social worker said “Shri Saigal after his contact with Baba lived a life of complete dedication. He followed to the letter and spirit Baba’s motto “Mastery in Servitude”. Saigal used to tell us all very emphatically, that Baba is the Avatar.”
Shri K. P. Yadav a representative of Class III employees of M. P., Govt. services (Senior Group) spoke very touchingly. He said of Saigal, “Shri Saigal came to our work spot where emergency relief work was going on. He was so full of love he expressed it in action, met all the persons individually and collectively. Then when he was dead tired and the senior Govt. officials who were conducting the job requested him to come for food, and as he was leaving the place, I said ‘Jai Baba’. He not only spontaneously responded but took me to his room where we spent about an hour in talking about Baba. His life was of 100% love, service, dedication and honesty. As a politician he had many chances to mint money, but he was scrupulously honest.”
Shri Saigal knew no defeat. He was victorious always. In last elections he was not at all interested to stand, but at the behest of others, and on being given the ‘Yes’ signal by his Master, he contested the elections. He had no money to move here or there. Because of some split in the local body-politic he couldn’t devote any time for his own canvassing and even when he did go he wanted to talk of Baba but Baba had put a restriction on Saigal that he (Saigal) should not even talk of Him in public. He approached Beloved Baba to revoke the order saying that he (Saigal) prefers to withdraw than to keep mum, not telling people about the God-Man. Baba con- descended and allowed Shri Saigal to talk ONLY to individuals, separately of Him. A telegram received from Nagar at the time of election results is an eye opener to all of us and is a proof of the acceptance of Saigal by the God, Baba.
Shri Saigal narrated a peculiar dream to the writer of this. We were busy with the 45th Silence anniversary functions. So I often used to go to him. One day early in the morning I went to him. He told me in a very jovial and happy mood ”Rama Rao, I am being called by Baba. I will honour His call.” In reply I asked (thinking that it might be some Mandali who called him to Nagar), “When will you leave for Nagar?” He told me, Not to Ahmednagar but to Baba. Then he told me of the dream … Baba is sitting in all Glory. He is eagerly asking me, “Come to Me”. I am being carried in a stretcher by four big persons wearing beautiful white uniforms. I feel it (Body) is dead His premonition was correct.
I told Shri Saigal that he should live long to do His work.
But he smiled.
After devotedly attending the celebrations on 9-7-70 he left Bilaspur for Delhi and we were informed every now and then about his health. The end came quite unexpectedly when we all knew him to be improving. His body was brought to Bilaspur and on 20th his body was consumed by the Fire God, to eternally rest in the Silent One’s lap … whose is the Real Word .. SHABD … “Shabd adhar” … rests with the eternal word. He is “AMAR” in His love. Jai Baba!!!
Baba lovers paid their respectful homage to their dear Saigal at a meeting in the ‘MEHER NIVAS” on 22-9-70.
Telegrams and messages were received from Shri Adi K. Irani, Meher Baba Mandali, Shri A. C. S. Chari, Dr. Hiralal Chopra, Shri N. Dharma Rao, Shri C. D. Deshmukh, Shri Pankhraj, Jabalpur; Shri Keshav Narain Nigham, Hamirpur; Shri Pukar, Meherpuri; Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam, Tamilnad centres and many other places.
Telegram to Saigal at Wellingdon Nursing Home New Delhi:
Worry not what the result would be for you have won the love of the ancient one in whose hands rest the rise and fall of all stop Meher Baba sends his love blessings to you and family stop All Mandali send you Jai Baba.
Telegrams After Saigal’s Demise:
My deep condolences to you bereaved hearts Amar Singh resides in Avatar Meher Baba’s heart eternally happily.
Avatar Meher Baba’s very dear child Sardar Amar Singh Saigal is forever blessed for his selfless service to his beloved God Avatar Meher Baba and to his country. His great love for His Beloved Master Avatar Meher Baba has made our dear brother Amarsing truly ‘Amar’.
Meher Baba Mandali, Meherabad.
Meher Spiritual Academy joins all in loving tribute to Brother Amar Singh who enjoys immortality in the eternal presence of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba.
C. D. Deshmukh
Your father’s demise is a great void in Baba’s family. May his soul rest in Baba.
N. Dharma Rao.
Extract from A. C. S. Chari’s letter, Calcutta:
Saigal had dedicated his whole life for the public life and was connected with the Avatar of the age, Meher Baba, and there is no need to feel worried. A Man or Woman who is dedicated to selfless or Altruistic service is sought after by Gods since Gods need such a person to do their work. We have to emulate many nice faculties of Amar Singh’s life & then he will be happy, (wherever he is)…………
Please don’t mourn but pray for his SOUL and also try to follow his good examples. We the lovers in West Bengal & the friends and well wishers of your family pay our homage jointly and individually to the departed soul our beloved brother Amar Singh—he will be ‘AMAR’.
Dr. G. S. N. Moorthy from Khargpur, Swamy Satya Prakash Udaseen from Hyderabad, Lovers from Bhilai, Shri A.C.A. Swamy (Apprentice Adviser, Govt of MP), Shri Ramarao Naidu, Darshan Singh Hanspal, and Shrimati Hanspal from Raipur came to pay homage to Shri Saigal.
By V Ramarao of Bilaspur
Published in Divya Vani October 1970 issue
Besides Avatar’s Abode, another subject of repeated discussions at this time was whether or not Amar Singh Saigal would be reelected to India’s parliament in the upcoming elections. Baba would state, regarding his campaign: “He has got no money. You know he is honest and I have told him to be honest. I have ordered him to stay in parliament only if he remains honest. So how can he get reelected when he has got no money and others are spending like mad to transport voters to the polls?”
On the day of the election, during one point in the counting, Amar Saigal was trailing by more than 20,000 votes and his defeat seemed certain. Baba cabled him: “Worry not what the result will be as you have won the heart of the Ancient One in whose hands rest the rise and fall of human empires.”
Pendu was in his room listening to the results on the radio. He became excited about the election and insisted to Baba that he help Amar Saigal to win. When the final count was declared, Saigal was reelected by 1,000 votes.
-www.lordmeher.org, p5261
Jan/Feb, 1967; Meherazad
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amar Singh Sahgal (born at Bilaspur, February, 1903 ) was member of 1st Lok Sabha from Bilaspur (Lok Sabha constituency) in Madhya Pradesh State, India. He was member of 4th Lok Sabha from Bilaspur. He was elected to 2nd and 3rd Lok Sabha from Janjgir (Lok Sabha constituency).
More Information :
SAIGAL , SHRI , A .S., (Madhya Pradesh – Bilaspur -1967) : s . of late Sardar Baijnath Singh ; b. at Bilaspur , February, 1903 ; ed . at Municipal Boys School , Bilaspur , Hitkari High School , Jabalpur , Government High School , Bilaspur , Cotton Institute , Calcutta , Central Hindu Collage , Banaras and National Collage , Calcutta; m. Shrimati Basanti Devi ; 4 s. and 4 d.; Social worker and Agriculturist; Member. (1) Bilaspur Local Board, 1921—24: (2) Mahakoshal P.C.C., 1921— 47 and 1950—57; (3) M.P. P.C.C. upto 1962; (4) Chhattisgarh Divisional Cooperative Institute, 1929—54; (5) C.P. and Berar State Assembly, 1935—45; (6) All India Congress Committee, 1934—46/47, 1949—57; (7) Mahakoshal Provincial Congress Parliamentary Committee, 1936; (8) C.P. and Berar Congress Parliamentary Committee, Nagpur, 1936; (9) Working Committee. Bilaspur D.C.C. since 1937; (10) Mahakoshal Provincial Congress Working Committee, 1938: (11) Provincial Council. Hindusthan Boy Scouts Association, 1938—45; National Council, Hindusthan Scouts Association and Second Round Table Congress of Boy Scouts Association , 1938 ; (12) Mahakoshal Provincial Election Tribunal (Congress) for Saugor District , 1939; (13) Executive Council , Hindusthan Scouts Association ,1939-45;(14) Madhya Pradesh Cooperative Federation , 1947 ;(15) Central Committee for Gurdwara , Nanded , since 1953; (16) Zonal Railway Users’ Consultative Committee, Central Railway, 1953—55; (17) S.E. Railway Users’ Consultative Committee, Calcutta, 1955—58; (18) All India National Railways’ Committee, 1967; (18) Public Amenities Committees, Central Railway, 1955—57; (20) Central Board of Sche. Castes and Sche. Tribes, Government of India, since 1955: (21) Indian Parliamentary Delegation to China. 1956; (22) All India Cotton Committee, 1967: (23) Government Assurances Committee, 1967. Chairman, (1) Janjgir Local Board from 1927 to 1938; (2) Janjgir Local Board, 1939—43; (3) South Eastern Railwaymen’s Federation, Bilaspur, 1954; Vice-President, (1) D.C.C. Bilaspur since 1949; (2) Divisionail Cooperative Institute. 1950—53; Senior Vice-President, Madhya Pradesh Sikh Pritinidhi Sabha, 1950—54; President, (1) Election Petition Tribunal (Congress), Khandwa, 1933; (2) Chairman, Reception Sub-Committee, Tripuri Session of the Congress; (3) Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee C.P. and Berar, since 1946; Delegate to Indian National Congress, since 1921; Secretary, (1) Cooperative Central Bank, Bilaspur, 1929—49; (2) Bilaspur D.C.C, 1937-47 and 1953; (3) All India Nationalist Sikh Conference, Delhi, 1951; Organiser, Volunteer Corps; Deputy General Officer Commanding, Indian National Congress, Tripuri, 1938; Election Officer (Congress), Bilaspur Distt. 1939; Divisional Organiser and Recruiting Officer, Home Guards, Chhatisgarh Division and Hindi Districts, 1947—49; Hony. Liaison and Welfare Officer, Home Guards, Northern area, Bilaspur, 1951; suffered imprisonment in 1930—32 and 1940; detained during 1942—45 for three years and four months; Masonic Lodge, Member, Heart of India 3760 E.C., Bilaspur, 1953; raised Worshipful Master in 1953; rank in District Grand Lodge, Bombay, Past District Grand Senior Decan, I960; became Mark Master Mason in January, 1956; rank in District Grand Lodge District Grand Std.; First Principal, became Chapter in May, 1954; obtained the degree of Royal Mariner on January 17, 1956; Member, Lodge Raza Jubilee 132 G. L. India in 1962; Raza Council No. 58 Senior Warden, 1967; Chairman, (1) South Eastern Railway Zonal, Commercial Clerks’ Association, 1965; (2) South Eastern Railway Divisional Guards Associations; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952—57, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62 and Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67; Estimates Committee. 1958, March 1961; Patron, The Friends’ Central Government Employees Cooperative House Building Society Ltd., New Delhi, 1965. Social activities: Uplift of backward classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Hobbies: Reading, gardening and music. Favourite pastime and recreation: Travelling, reading newspapers and periodicals, playing-with children. Special interests: Village uplift, cooperative movement, military education, welfare of servicemen, uplift of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Publications: “Shivrenarayan Affairs”, The Truth of Religion, Dharm ka swaroop aur uski Upyogita; also written several articles in newspapers. Sports: Hockey, Cricket, Tennis and Badminton. Travels abroad: Japan, China Thailand, Burma, U.S.S.R., and several countries in Asia. Permanent address: 42/4, Azadnagar, Bilaspur (M.P.).
References/Images from: Various Lord Meher volumes, discontinued website's ambprasarkendra & love-remembrances, images and dates, stories etc from respective copyright owners websites or publications used with permission - i.e. In His Service, Glow International, MeherBabaTravels, MSI and MNP Collections, from AvatarMeherBabaTrust, BelovedArchives websites and from various other website sources, Books, journal etc. More information where ever available with us like letter scans, stories etc are added. Kindly feel free to Contact us with any updates, photos or corrections etc.

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- Abdulla Haroon Zaffar
- Abdur Rahman (Munshi ji)
- Adi Sheriar Irani (Adi Jr.)
- Ahmed Abbas (Khak Saheb)
- Amar Singh Saigal
- Amiya Kumar Hazra
- Ardeshir N. Hansotia (Slamson)
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