March 12, 2025
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Books about Meher Baba

The Perfect Master

The Perfect Master C.B. Purdom This biography, the first about Meher Baba to be published in the West, is the precursor to Purdom’s later work, The God-Man, and it includes much fascinating material not found [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

The God-Man

The God-Man C.B. Purdom This is the most complete biography of Meher Baba available. It describes in detail the various phases of His life, journeys and spiritual work up to the 1960s: the early years; [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Meherabad the Hill of Celestial Light

In this book, I have faithfully and vividly recorded those incidents which directly relate to Hazrat Meher Baba, His devotees, near and dear ones. I am convinced that certain incidents would not have occurred and experiences undergone had it not been for His `nazar or blessings’. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Seekers of Love

This book, long in the making, is the result of Amiya’s desire to save the Baba stories of elderly Baba lovers he knew for posterity. A valuable collection of stories with the unique perspective of Indian Baba lovers. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

The Memoirs of a Zetetic

Stories of the relationship between a lover and Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. Amiya’s stories are dominated by the charm of Beloved Baba’s presence. So naturally, I hope that you will have the same experience of finding that these stories are among those you find worthy of retelling or recollecting. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Shore to Shoreless

Shore to Shoreless: A voyage across the Ocean of Existence is a book of a different kind. It is not a scholarly, comparative and interpretive presentation of
what can be called as the ‘thought’ of Meher Baba. Shore to Shoreless is an account of a mystic voyage undertaken by five seekers of Love and Truth, with
Meher Baba as the captain of their ship. . . . [… More info …]

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Glow International

For over 55 years Glow International has served as a beacon for Meher Baba’s Universal Message of Love, Peace and Compassion. With the tangible support of our readers worldwide, we have created in the pages of Glow International a record for posterity of the Avatar’s ministry on earth. We have shared his message of love and continue to share his message of love, hope, and unity amongst mankind. [… More info …]

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The Awakener Magazine

These journals contain messages, discourses, and pearls of wisdom given by Meher Baba along with fascinating first-hand stories told by many of His intimate disciples from all over the world. They also hold very lovely paintings and drawings of Baba, sweet poems, and precious photos of Him and His lovers. [… More info …]

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