March 12, 2025
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Books about Meher Baba

Treasures from the Meher Baba Journals

Treasures from the Meher Baba JournalsA collection of articles reprinted from the monthly magazine Meher Baba Journals, published at Meher Baba’s ashram in India from 1938 to 1942. Selections include accounts of Meher Baba’s work and activities, spiritual essays by Meher Baba’s devotees and many short discussions by Meher Baba. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Glimpses of the God Man

Glimpses of the God Man By Bal NatuDescribes Meher Baba’s travels in India and his work with masts and spiritual pilgrims. Meher Baba’s Fiery Life phase and his nine-month stay in the north Indian town of Dehra Dun, where he issued “The Master’s Prayer” and his important message, “The Highest of the High.” [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

The Beloved

The Beloved By Naosherwan AnzarEssentially a pictorial biography, this book offers a clear, easy-to-read introduction to Meher Baba’s life and work, including fascinating details not found in other biographies, such as a family tree charting the sometimes complex network of Meher Baba’s close relatives. Lavishly illustrated with 165 photographs covering every stage of Baba’s life. Naosherwan Anzar first met Avatar Meher Baba as a child and spent much time with Him, and in writing this book he draws from many sources. From the earliest times Meher Baba instructed various of His disciples to keep extremely detailed diaries, transcribing verbatim all of His talks. Thus, Naosherwan was able to supplement his own personal knowledge and experience of Meher Baba with the invaluable information contained in these diaries. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

The Wonders of Silence

Dr. Moorty, the man Meher Baba called “the Talkative Disciple of the Silent Master,” when he gave talks to Sufis on both coasts. In the book, following Meher Baba’s command, he writes about his life in association with the Avatar. In the second edition, he adds a final section in which he describes [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Three Incredible Weeks with Meher Baba

A diary account of Meher Baba’s “men’s meeting” at Meherabad in September 1954, written by the American mystical poet Malcolm Schloss and the English scholar Charles Purdom. At this gathering Meher Baba gave his Final Declaration and important discussions about his advent and work as the Avatar, all of which are reproduced in this small, [… More info …]

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The life story of Mehera, central feminine figure in Meher Baba’s close circle is told in her own words in a sweet and poignant memoir published just before her death in 1989. Along with intimate glimpses of the daily domestic life of Meher Baba’s women mandali . . [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Love Alone Prevails

Kitty Davy, one of the earliest of Meher Baba’s western disciples, weaves the story of fifty of her years with Meher Baba. She starts with her 1931 meeting with him in London, goes on to accounts of traveling and the fifteen years she spent with him in India and finally to America where she became an integral part of the life of the Meher Spiritual Center . . [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Listen Humanity

American business executive Don Stevens describes the atmosphere and events of a 1955 sahavas gathering with Meher Baba in India. Part II contains essays by Meher Baba on central issues of life: war, freedom, death and afterlife, love and God .. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

Just To Love Him

Adi K. Irani dedicated himself to Meher Baba when he was still in his teens and during his long lifetime served Baba in many roles, including many years as Baba’s personal secretary. This is a collection of excerpts from talks Adi gave to the public, in which he shared his love for and experience with the Avatar. [… More info …]

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Books about Meher Baba

How a Master Works

From 1947 until her passing in 1981, Ivy Duce was the Murshida (leader) of a Sufi lineage in the West which Meher Baba recreated under his guidance as Sufism Reoriented. Murshida Duce was a central figure in many phases of Meher Baba’s work, not only as a disciple of the Master but also as the only spiritual teacher directly appointed by Meher Baba [… More info …]

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