February 9, 2025
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:- Western Art Sites

Daddy God by Wodin

Daddy God Meher Baba Art Web SitesDaddy God web site hosts a series of artwork by Steve Jameson, aka WODIN depicting Meher Baba playing with his creatures and generally appreciating his creation. Most of Wodin’s images of Meher Baba depict God’s humor; which is a revolutionary concept of God; inspired by Meher Baba Himself. Steve’s paintings of Meher Baba delight the inner child in all of us. [… More …]

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:- Western Art Sites

Meher Baba Cards by Cherie Plumlee

Meher Baba Web SitesWelcome to Beloved Meher Baba Art Cards. In the late 80’s a work associate had me scan an old photograph of his great-grandmother and try to restore it. It came out very well and I showed the results to a very dear and very old friend. He was amazed at what the computer could do to repair an old torn and stained photo. Not long after, he suggested that I bring Meher Baba’s image into the computer and work with it. I was terrified, but eventually built up my courage and the result is what you see on these web pages … [… More …]

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:- e-Books Download

Meher Baba Books Online PDF Download

Meher Baba Books Films and VideosFor information on available Meher Baba Books and Video Films etc, kindly visit the different sections of our website. The sections on Meher Baba Books and Publications makes available to you the complete list of all Books and Publications which you can obtain or subscribe …
.. whereas our website section on Meher Baba Films and Videos has a online Resource of all or most of the Available Films and Videos on Meher Baba as well as some online Videos which you can watch directly on our website. [… More …]

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:- Western Art Sites

Mills Studio

Meher Baba Web SitesAfter many years as a commercial artist, Charlie Mills began painting portraits of Meher Baba in 1979. Now familiar to many, these works number over 250 and are seen in the east and west. Because most of these works are in private collections, many have been made available as museum quality archival prints. [… More …]

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:- Western Art Sites

Will David’s Art

Meher Baba Web SitesWill David, born in San Francisco, is a full time working artist. He travels extensively, painting spiritually interpretive plein air (outdoor) landscapes and other subject matter. Some examples of his work include painted canvas renditions of The Lord’s Prayer, the Twenty-Third Psalm, 101 Names of God (Zoroaster), Universal Prayer and the Twelve Steps. In addition to his paintings based on personal subject matter, David has been comissioned to paint dreams, poems, and family and commercial settings … [… More …]

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:- Indian Music

Meher Music from Hyderabad Center

Meher Baba Web SitesThe Avatar Meher Baba Hyderabad Website is a rich source of Meher Baba Music. There are songs in English as well as Indian languages. The songs may have the South Indian Style of singing yet there is a large collection of Media files there for listening and download. The songs listed are .. [… More …]

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:- Western Art Sites

Paintings of Marla Faith

Meher Baba Web SitesPaintings of Marla Faith. The website has a section on Meher Baba art paintings, and the Artist has exhibited her work at the Center in Myrtle Beach. For more information or customized paintings on Meher Baba you can contact the Artist through the website.
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:- Media Websites

Meher Film Works

Meher Baba Web SitesMeher Filmworks is devoted to quality video presentations of Avatar Meher Baba – His life, His image and His Mission. Two films have been produced. The first film, God In Human Form, has been translated into 8 languages. You will find all language versions here in their entirety. The second film, You Alone Exist, is a music video of the prayer-poem written by Meher Baba and disciple, Bhau Kalchuri. [… More …]

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2:- Information Portals

Sufism Reoriented

Meher Baba Web SitesChartered by Meher Baba in 1952, Sufism Reoriented was incorporated a year later as a non-profit religious organization. The first leader (Murshida) of the newly formed organization was Ivy Oneita Duce, a former businesswoman, magazine editor and Washington hostess during the years when her husband held senior positions in the Aramco oil corporation and in the U.S. government. . .
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:- International

Heartland Center

The Meher Baba Heartland Center is based in the Burleson House. The Burleson House is dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba as an oasis of his remembrance and is a place for information, retreat, prayer, pilgrimage and study of Baba’s unifying message of divine love. It serves to preserve and foster knowledge of historical information about Avatar Meher Baba’s time spent in and near Prague, Oklahoma, where in 1952 he met with a serious automobile collision and shed his blood on American soil.
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