March 11, 2025

Will David’s Art

Meher Baba Web SitesWill David, born in San Francisco, is a full time working artist. He travels extensively, painting spiritually interpretive plein air (outdoor) landscapes and other subject matter. Some examples of his work include painted canvas renditions of The Lord’s Prayer, the Twenty-Third Psalm, 101 Names of God (Zoroaster), Universal Prayer and the Twelve Steps. In addition to his paintings based on personal subject matter, David has been comissioned to paint dreams, poems, and family and commercial settings …

.. Will David’s Web Site displays his excellent painting on Meher Baba, Meherbad and Samadhi, including 76 full-color paintings illustrating the phrases of O, Parvardigar. Let us hear what others have to say about Will David …

“I love Will David’s work. There are grand wings here that can lift…maybe anything.”
–Dan Ladinsky, best-selling Penguin author.

“It may not be an exaggeration to say that the ‘Song of the New Life’ captures the spirit of the life of the seeker more profoundly and more movingly than any poetry, any discourse, any explanation has before.” — Rick Chapman, author, Meher Baba – The Compassionate One.

“Meher Baba’s “Song of the New Life” feels more relevant and vital than ever. While His powerful and profound words need no embellishment, Will David’s interpretation and beautiful illustrations capture the imagination in such a direct, inspiring way” — Shireen Irani Bonner, Meher Baba’s niece.

“In this new visualization, Will David employs a light touch in free and fanciful images to convey his meditations on the Universal Prayer.” — Carl W. Ernst, Ph.D. (From the foreword)

“The Universal Prayer, with its clarity and force, speaks for itself. Will David’s playful illustrations highlight God’s delight and humor.” –Alexandra Marks, The Christian Science Monitor

“Spontaneous…intuitive…effervescent…” — Don Stevens, author

“Remarkable flow of energy!!!” — Allan Cohen, Ph.D., author

(Excerpts taken from Web Site. Now the domains seems to have expired)

Will David Meherabad

  • Will David’s Art (Domain Expired)
  • More info about Will David

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