October 22, 2024
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:- Western Art Sites

MeheRose Web Site

All my life I had been searching for that inner One I now know as Meher Baba. I searched through religions and churches, meditation and mysticism and devoured new age teachings. In the churches I searched for the ‘real’ Lord Jesus I knew existed and through mediation got a bit closer by moving inside myself to find Him. The new age therapies and teachings expanded my consciousness in wonderful ways. – Patricia Caswell
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7:- Personal Sites

Meher Baba Dnyana (Knowledge)

This site is mostly dedicated to elucidating on the subject of gnosis (literally: true knowledge, or dnyana -Vedanta, or irfan -Sufi), as imparted by Meher Baba. Traditionally such issues are considered “esoteric”. Meher Baba, however, [… More …]

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Slovak Website

Meher Baba devoted his life to awakening humanity to the reality of Divine Love. He declared himself to be The Ancient One and God to be the real Self within everyone. His Universal Message begins with the words, “I have come not to teach but to awaken.” Meher Baba oddal svoj život prebúdzaniu ľudstva do skutočnosti Božskej Lásky. Prehlásil, že je Ten, ktorý bol skôr, než čas bol, a že Boh je skutočným Ja v každom. Jeho Univerzálna Správa začína slovami: „Prišiel som nie učiť, ale prebúdzať.“
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Spanish Meher Baba Websites

As there was very little on the internet in Spanish-language about Meher Baba, first Kendra got permission from Don Stevens to post some Discourses of Meher Baba in Spanish and she designed a personal blog on Meher Baba in Spanish. Recently a very informative Spanish Meher Baba website is brought online by the Spanish group providing download links to Meher Baba Books and also Biography and other information about Meher Baba translated into Spanish.
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Discourses in Hebrew

Meher Baba Israel WebSite with Hebrew Translation of the Discourses of Meher BabaMeher Baba Israel WebSite with Hebrew Translation of the Discourses of Meher Baba.. אווטאר מהר באבא היה מורה רוחני ממוצא זורואסטרי שחי בהודו עד שנת 1969. שמו היה .. The Avatar Meher Baba’s Discourses are now translated and available online in Hebrew. Please visit the website to view the Discourses in Hebrew . אווטאר מהר באבא היה מורה רוחני ממוצא זורואסטרי שחי בהודו עד שנת 1969. שמו היה. . . [… More …]

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Israel Website on Meher Baba

Israel Website on Meher BabaMeher Baba Israel WebSite from Israel with much information and links on Meher Baba .. Website with photographs, Articles and information and translation of Meher Babas teachings and Books in Hebrew. Also Hebrew translation of “Talks” given by Shri Upasni Maharaj. Several Articles , skits and translation in Hebrew of “Much Silence” originally written in English By Tom and Dorothy Hopkinson [… More …]

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