Meher Baba photographs archive

Meher Baba Photographs MSI collection

Meher Baba “MSI” Collection of photographs

Meher Baba MSI Collection photographs website

Meher Baba MSI Collection photographs website.

MSI and MNP Collections India, have respectively 4500 and 13500 images of Meher Baba and his life. They are collection of photographs of Avatar Meher Baba collected through the years by his sister Mani S Irani, and most other images, including those taken by Shah, Hedi Mertens and Meelan. The Meher Baba photographs have been digitised from the camera original negatives and from the best master prints available. The website allows to download some of the low resolution Meher Baba photographs from the website, but for high resolution or HD Meher Baba photographs or pics, please contact the administrator or webmaster of the Meher Baba “MSI” Collection.
[Note: 4500 images approx – MSI Collection consists primarily of images taken by Beheram, Rano, Padri and Mani]

Avatar Meher Baba information website
[Note: 13500 images approx – MNP Collection consists of most other images, including those taken by Shah, Hedi Mertens and Meelan.]

Avatar Meher Baba information website
[Year-wise collection of Photographs of Meher Baba on AMBPPCT (Trust’s) Website.]

Trust’s Archive of letters
[Note: Avatar Meher Baba Trust Digital Archives – Meherabad. Documents which have been digitised from the Trust’s collections of paper documents kept by Avatar Meher Baba’s secretaries and His close ones.]

Avatar Meher Baba information website