Letters and correspondences with Meher Baba

Kalemama meeting Sai Baba of Shirdi
Kalemama Meeting with Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi (Year 1910 and 1911) Kalemama or Ramchandra Bapuji Kale and old Mandali and disciple of Meher Baba was fortunate to have met Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in 1910 and 1911 before coming to Meher Babas ashram. Kalemama with his elder brother Anna Kale met Sai Baba at Shirdi and again had the fortune to stay at Shirdi for a week during winter holidays in 1911. His diary pages describe how he came in to Sai Babas contact at Shirdi. [… More info …]