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Amartithi of Meher Baba on January 31st.



The Fifty-Sixth Amartithi of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba falls on Tuesday, 31st January 2025. The observance of the Fifty-Sixth Amartithi (Anniversary of Avatar Meher Baba’s Darshan) will be for two days, i.e., from 10:30 a.m. on 30th January to 1:00 p.m. on 1st February 2025. The main function, as usual, will be on 31st January 2025. Please read full instructions and download complete Amartithi 2025 circular in PDF format for information on how to visit Samadhi during Amartithi. .. [… More info …]

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Meher Baba information

Volunteer Program for Indian Nationals

Ambppct volunteer programmeAMBPPCT Announces Volunteer Program for Indian Nationals where Indian nationals over the age of 18 years can register for the Volunteer Program by filling the registration form. Upon receiving the application, the Trustees managing the Volunteer Program will meet the volunteers at Meherabad to brief them about the program and the various ongoing projects or tasks to which they can contribute. This will provide an opportunity for the volunteers to understand the type of work required to be done and determine and if they are ready and able to participate. [… More info …]

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Meher Baba information

A Treasure Discovered (MANUSCRIPTS)



We are delighted to share that a remarkable find has been uncovered in the Trust’s Archives. In July 2024, several batches of documents were identified as possibly written in Meher Baba’s own handwriting. After careful and thorough analysis, we can happily confirm that these manuscripts are indeed written by Beloved Baba Himself. The documents were found among Framroze H. Dadachanji’s (Chanji) papers. Chanji served as Baba’s devoted secretary from the 1920s until the mid-1940s and was present during the early days at Meherabad when Baba was actively delivering lectures and writing multiple discourses and essays by hand.
[… More info …]

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Meher Baba information

Remembering Kalemama

RAMCHANDRA BAPUJI KALE, popularly known to Baba’s Mandali as Kalemama, was born on 12th February 1877, in a fairly well-to-do Brahmin family of Kolhapur. His father was a working in the Khasgi Kacheri (Personal Office) of His Highness the Maharaja of Kolhapur. After graduation in Engineering in the year 1903 from Poona Science College (now known as the College of Engineering), Kalemama settled down in life and plied his engineering profession in Bombay Presidency in very many capacities—official and private. Kalemama first came into contact with Meher Baba in May 1926, when he was in service as Chief Officer to the Dhulia City Municipality (West Khandesh). Although believing in saints and saintliness, Kalemama never bestirred himself to have the Darshan of any living saint and the few places of pilgrimage he happened to visit, had no avowed spiritual object behind them. [… More info …]