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Gopinath Kaviraj

Gopinath Kaviraj came to see Baba on Monday, 6 June, and since Kaviraj was keeping silence, Baba permitted him to come again the following day also. Kaviraj came again the next day and was embraced by Baba, and Baba kissed him on the forehead. Baba took him into the side room and had the door closed. Only one of the mandali was present to interpret. Baba spoke with Kaviraj at length about the future of the world, life’s ultimate purpose and an individual’s duties, all of which convinced Kaviraj of Baba’s omniscience.
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Goher Irani

DR. GOHER IRANI Dr.Goher was born to Rustom (Rusi Pop) and Khorshed Irani in Quetta in 1916. She met Baba for the first time when she was 6 year old. Goher Irani became Baba’s personal [… More info …]

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Nilu Godse

DR. VINAYAK NILKANTH GODSE (Nilu) Vinayak Nilkanth Godse- Nilu, as he was called, was from an upstanding Brahmin family and one of closest friends of Vishnu. He had attended the New English High School in [… More info …]

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Meher Baba information

Rakhee Sharma, Rajendra Meher, Amrit Dara Irani , Prasad Raju and Gopala Krishna Meher Kala (Gopi) new Trustees of AMBPPCT



Rakhee Sharma , Rajendra Meher are the new Trustees of AMBPPCT, earlier Board of Trustees already selected Amrit Dara Irani as a trustee of the Avatar Meher Baba PPC Trust, the Avatar Meher Baba Trust (“Firstly”), the Meherazad Public Charitable Trust, and Meher Free Dispensary (Meherazad). There are overall 10 Trustees at the moment on the Board of Avatar Meher Baba PPC Trust with office at Kings Road Ahmednagar .. Framroze Mistry is present Chairman of the Trust .. (Tel: 0241-2343666) .. [… More info …]

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MEHER BABA ON GOD REALISATION It is better to die than to live, better to fear than to die, better to fill than to fear, and better to do or make than to fill. ‘To [… More info …]

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Meher Baba information

Growing up with God book of Meher Baba by Sheela kalchuri David

Sheela’s father Bhau Kalchuri joined Meher Baba as one of the mandali in 1953. Four years later, Baba called Sheela and her family to live in his near proximity. The Kalchuris had many opportunities to be in the Beloved’s presence, and Sheela’s first-person account paints a vivid, intimate portrait of life near Meher Baba, from the perspective of a child and teenager.
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