March 26, 2025

Recent Book Releases 2025




NEW MEHER BABA BOOK Meher Baba From Boyhood to GodhoodMeher Baba From Boyhood to Godhood is a biography of Meher Baba chronicling from the beginning, in intimate detail from original sources, the entire progression from Merwan (Meher Baba’s birth name) to Meher Baba, when He is recognized by thousands as God in human form and begins His Avataric mission in 1922. Published by Beloved Archives, 2021

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK MEHERA MEHER BY DAVID FENSTERMehera-Meher is the story of an intimate, Divine Romance between the Beloved and his closest disciple. The three-volume set draws deeply from Mehera’s first-hand narrative gathered from more than 200 hours of tape recordings made by the author, David Fenster, from the years 1974 to 1982. To this he painstakingly researched and added other historical material from Mehera and those close to her to create an epic, 1785-page biography of Avatar Meher Baba’s foremost woman disciple. Includes more than 500 photographs, many in color. The original hardcover set, 1st edition, was published in 2003. This one is a brand new collectors’ original edition, printed on imported paper with duotone photographs. Comes in embossed black box. The paperback set is an updated 2nd edition, published in 2013 and expanded, containing hundreds of small corrections and additions, additional side notes and more films Baba saw. The paperback 3rd edition single volumes, printed by Amazon in 2023, contain more small corrections and addition

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK MEHERA MEHER BY DAVID FENSTER*** ON SALE FOR 2024 *** This is Heather Nadel’s long-anticipated two-volume book about Mani. Drawing from her many years of working closely with Mani as her personal assistant, Heather has created a deep, masterful portrait of Mani’s total, life-long devotion to her brother, the God Man. The story takes shape from Mani’s Blue Bus Tour and New Life diaries, from recordings of her talks in Mandali Hall, from her letters, and from many other first-hand materials. Includes 400 photographs and reproductions. Published 2015 – On Sale now.

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK GulmaimemoirsMeher Baba refered to Gulmai as His “spiritual mother.” How I came in contact with Upasni Maharaj and Meher Baba By Gulmai K. Irani, Gulmai was Adi K. Irani, Sr.’s mother. Gulmai wrote two Gujarati accounts, which were translated into English by her son Adi and Feram Workingboxwala. She began writing the more detailed of the two accounts on July 1, 1938. It is a very honest and forthright account of her time with both Meher Baba and Upasni Maharaj. Edited by David Fenster & Keith Gunn. Paperback 140 pages.

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Donkin’s Diaries

by Dr. William Donkin

Dr. Donkin’s notes from his travels with Meher Baba during 1939-1945 relate how Baba worked behind the scenes in the conduct of World War II, often giving hints in advance of events that would occur. These diaries describe how the work Baba was doing with the masts in seclusion was reflected in world events during this time of great upheaval. Paperback | 331 pages

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Still Dancing with Love

by Margaret Craske

Margaret Craske’s second volume of anecdotes and reminiscences about life with Meher Baba, written 10 years after her first book and published a few months after her passing (at age 97) in 1990. Paperback | 104 pages

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As Only God Can Love
A Lifetime of Companionship with Meher Baba

by Darwin Shaw

Darwin Shaw, one of Meher Baba’s earliest American disciples, offers a memoir of his life lived in the world and while also following and personally serving the Being he recognized as the Christ. A tale of what it was like for a Westerner with a job and a family to make the God-man the main focus of his life. Over 180 photographs are included. Hardback and Paperback | 682 pages | 2003

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All These Things Take Time, Mister
Stories of Padri

by Eric Nadel

​These sixteen stories by “Erico” contain vivid recollections of Padri. ​one of the mandali who had been with Baba since the 1920s​, from 1976 until Padri passed away in 1982. They are part of a book that Erico intended to write about Padri, which was unfinished when Erico himself passed away in 2009. ​A second section, “Remembering Padri,” is a series of conversations between Ted and Janet Judson, Alan Wagner, Heather Nadel, and Bob Street, who were also at Meherabad during this time. They recall what it was like for such “raw recruits” to live with Padri, a stalwart disciple of the God-Man. Paperback | 178 pages | photographs and letters | 2020

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Meher Baba’s Blue Bus Tours
Spiritual Journeys in India with The Avatar of The Age

by Susan M. McKendree

Meher Baba’s Blue Bus Tours is a meticulously researched chronicle of Baba’s travels in India with his Western and Eastern women disciples, beginning in December 1938 and ending in November 1941. It was Baba’s work with the women that sets the Blue Bus Tours apart from other phases of His work. The author weaves the women’s voices, as well as excerpts from the multiple diaries kept during the tours, throughout the narrative to provide a rare look into the adventures and challenges that occurred during the Blue Bus Tours. Discourses given by Meher Baba while on the road—in a museum—crossing a river—reveal the close companionship and spiritual training these journeys represented. Paperback | 848 pages | photographs, maps, and letters | 2020

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My Life with Meher Baba, The Avatar of The Age

by Meherwan Jessawala

The story of a life spent, beginning to end, under the direct supervision of God in human form. Meherwan’s account provides one of the most intimate and significant descriptions of Avataric discipleship ever published. It is eminently readable and provides a unique view of Baba’s Jessawala family. Hardback | 708 pages | Photographs | 2018

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The Boys
Prem Ashram Days with Meher Baba and Ever After
by Bob Mossman & Farshid Namiranian

These pages tell the lifetime stories of three of the Prem Ashram boys: Esfandiar Vesali, who would maintain his physical connection with Baba throughout his long life; Abdullah Pakravan (Chota Baba), who achieved sixth-plane consciousness at the Prem Ashram and would physically separate from Baba in late 1929, never to see him again; and Syed Ali, who would travel to the Western world with Baba in 1931, and never have physical contact again with his Master after 1935. All three treasured this precious Divine Love throughout their adult lives. Paperback | 465 pages | 2020

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Kissed by God
My Childhood with Meher Baba

by Charles Haynes

Charles Haynes first met Meher Baba in 1958. He was just eight years old. From that first meeting where Charles experienced Baba (“I know Baba; Baba knows me.” ), Charles was His. He had the opportunity to spend time with Baba again at the 1962 East-West Gathering in India. This beautiful gem of a book tells the stories of Charles’ time with Baba and his inner experience of Baba. As he puts it so well, “Like a time capsule from the past, each story of Meher Baba opens in the present to release the fragrance of His love.” (from the Preface) This book is not only a history of one soul’s great fortune of meeting the Avatar of the Age, it is also full of insights that anyone can mine for their own inner lives with Baba. (From the publisher, Sheriar Foundation). Paperback | 160 pages | many photographs | 2021

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Pukar’s Diaries 1957–1960
by Pukar Nigam, edited by David Fenster

Pukar first met Meher Baba in 1950. He was one of the very few “nonresident” mandali who were permitted to stay with Baba at Meherazad or Guruprasad for a few days, weeks, or sometimes months at a time. During his visits in 1957–1960, Pukar kept a diary in Hindi, an edited translation of which is reproduced here. Paperback | 387 pages | Published by Meher Nazar Publications, 2022

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK BY DEVANA BROWN BEFITTING A FORTUNATE SOULBefitting a Fortunate Slave is the intimate story of a disciple and his Master that offers a window into the day-to-day life lived in the presence of Perfection. It is a unique glimpse into what it means to live in that narrow lane where one’s life is not one’s own. It is also a timeless story of love and surrender at the feet of the Avatar, who comes amidst mankind age after age, with the same message: Love God. As Eruch would often say when speaking of his life with Meher Baba: “I did not come to Meher Baba, I was summoned. I exercised my freedom to become His slave.” In his own words, and from narrated accounts of his family, Befitting a Fortunate Slave tells of Eruch’s thirty-one years with Meher Baba before He dropped His body, and the thirty-two years after, when he continued to serve his beloved by serving His lovers, who came to Meherazad yearning to learn more about Meher Baba from those who had lived with Him. Many of the stories Eruch related in Mandali Hall to help others develop a sense of Baba’s ways, as well as incidents from his own life reflecting on this process, have been included. This is not just about the man of whom Baba said, “If it can be said I enjoy anyone’s company, I enjoy Eruch’s.” It is a story about what it means to live one’s life in surrender to God, which has meaning for anyone interested in trying to find God in their own life. By Davana Brown. Hardcover, 756 pages. Published in 2024 by Sheriar Foundation. First of a three-volume series.

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK Here_Lies_My_HeartThe Life of Anita de Caro Vieillard with Meher Baba. Created after four years of research and writing, this newest book from Bob Mossman, at Oceanic Publishing highlights the 67-year love story and life of Manhattan-born Anita de Caro with Meher Baba. Hundreds of letters between Baba and Anita are featured in Here Lies My Heart: The Life of Artist Anita de Caro Vieillard with Meher Baba. More than 200 photographs focusing on the evolving love that Anita felt through her honeymoon days with Baba in Portofino and Cannes in the thirties and evolving life thereafter. These early wonderful days quickly darkened for Anita and her new husband Roger, with German’s march into Paris in mid-1940, and their difficult decision to remain and live in the City of Light throughout the occupation. After Cannes in 1937, Anita, would not be in Baba’s physical company again for 15 years. Walk through the pages of Here Lies My Heart, witnessing the tests of obedience with Baba that Anita felt and her almost seven decades with Baba. His Divine Love carried her – in her own words – through “the personal, to the impersonal, and finally to the sacred.” By Bob Mossman.
Softcover, 460 pages.

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK The_Wonders_of_SilenceThe Wonders of Silence. Known to many by the name Baba lovingly called him, “The Talkative Disciple of the Silent Master”, Dr. Moorty’s delightful stories are now available in the first part of his book. The second part shares precious correspondence with Meher Baba and some of the mandali, often as scanned images of the actual handwritten letters. In the third part of the book Dr. Moorty, previous student of Dr. Deshmukh, explores the mystery of Baba’s Silence.

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK Journey_to_GodJourney to God. Nine year old Girja Karamchandani wrote a letter to God in Heaven wanting to see Him in Human Form. In 1948 she married Civil Judge Prem Khilnani in Poona. One evening in 1958 Prem wandered into Guruprasad to meet Avatar Meher Baba. Reluctantly Girja agreed to meet Meher Baba, but refused to consider Him as God… until He reminded her of the letter she wrote to Him in 1935. Meher Baba replied with 73 letters and telegrams over the years. Girja Khilnani took one step forward to meet God and He took several steps to bring her close to His daaman. Journey to God is an emotional and spiritual story of the Khilnani family. Their close association with Meher Baba continues till today with the next generation. The True Story of Girjadevi Khilnani. Hardcover, 83 pages. (Discounted for water damage)

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK Jalu_and_GuluJalu’s and Gulu’s father was Kaikobad Dastoor who became on of Meher Baba’s inner circle. He first met Baba on 14 May 1927. through his friend Soharabji Desai. Kaikobad was a 38 years old practicing Parsi Priest in Navsari. To this first meeting he brought along Sohrabji’s 18 years niece Mani Desai, whom Baba later nicknamed Mansari. Kaikobad visited Baba frequently until July 1944, when Baba instructed him to pack everything he owned in Mumbai and move to Meherabad (LM online ed2, pp. 809-810) He and his family arrived during the night of July 31 and remained for the rest of their lives in Baba’s ashram. – By Janaki, as told to Eric Solibakke. Booklet, 80 pages.

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NEW MEHER BABA BOOK Young_LoveYoung Love.- 39 color and black & white photos including previously unavailable images of Darwin, Kitty, and Elizabeth. Owen Cooper shares his experiences with Darwin Shaw, Kitty Davy, Elizabeth Patterson, and Jane Haynes soon after Meher Baba dropped his body. All profits are donated to Following Francis, a non-religious service organization offering free programs and activities to help people on the margins of life join the mainstream. Stories of Learning from Darwin, Kitty, Elizabeth, Jane and My Father. by Owen Cooper, Jr. Softcover, 110 pages.

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