March 30, 2025

The Ancient One

A beautiful biography of Meher Baba's life filled with lovely still photos (some rare) and lots of rich color film footage. A very relaxing yet powerful film with soothing guitar music by Tuck Andress. A host of narrators bring life and warmth to the film and the truth of Baba's life. Originally produced as a multi-media presentation by Cheryl La Rosa Longo and Michael Le Page for Meher Baba's 90th Birthday Celebration in San Francisco.

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The Ancient One:

" . . . The Ancient One was originally conceived as an audiovisual presentation with live performers for Baba’s 90th birthday celebrations held at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, in 1984, and after a long gestation (and several minor incarnations) a DVD has been born!

This meticulously crafted, lyrical and factual DVD combines still images and video clips to tell the story of Baba’ life. Narrators include the wonderfully mellifluous John Krchniack as Baba’s “voice”, Peggy Rock, Doug Ross, Jamie Dillon, Sebastien Baker, Patti Cathcart, Sue Jamison, David Miotke and Billy Ward. The soundtrack is underscored by the as-always exquisite guitar-playing of Tuck Andress.

Murshida Connor, head of Sufism Reoriented, commented on viewing The Ancient One: “I was impressed with the straightforward, clear and comprehensive way in which the significant events of Beloved Baba’s advent were described. Not only was I impressed with these most helpful qualities of the narration, I also thought the illustrative pictures were sensitively chosen. It seems an especially ideal film to show those just coming to learn of Meher Baba, who want a simple way to understand the scope of His work. For those already with Baba, it is a wonderful review.”

Originally created by Cheryl La Rosa Longo and Michael Le Page, it has been produced as a DVD by Michael Le Page. . . . "


MEHER BABA Information

" . . . Chris Riger’s film features extensive documentary footage of the last public darshan program given by Meher Baba, in Poona, India, in 1965. The video is artfully edited into a montage of film clips and photographs that review the Master’s life and work. A narration includes readings from Meher Baba’s messages. 30 minutes. . . . "


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