October 22, 2024

Meher Baba's Samadhi

The small Film shows a walk-in view of the tomb Shrine of Avatar Meher Baba (1894-1969) situated on Meherabad Hill, near Ahmednagar City, in India, where Meher Baba directed that upon the dropping of His physical body, it should be buried in a Tomb-Shrine atop Meherabad Hill. Every year tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over India and around the world visit Meher Baba’s "Samadhi" for the chance to bow down and be in His Presence there. Brief services of prayers and "arti," or devotional songs, take place at the portico of the Samadhi every day at 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m.—in between those time, pilgrims are free to visit the Samadhi informally for as long as they wish . . . .

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. . . . At either side of the Samadhi lie the graves of some of Meher Baba’s closest female disciples from the past, including that of His "Divine Counterpart," Mehera, and His sister, Mani. In close proximity to the Samadhi, also on Meherabad Hill, is the early residential compound of Baba’s Western and Eastern female disciples, a Museum of relics and artifacts related to Meher Baba’s life, a Library, and sheltered areas for eating and rest. Nearby is the Archives building, with a focus on preservation of the collection of Meher Baba’s articles of clothing, writing, and many other items and materials associated with His Advent. Also close by is a theater used for dramas and films during annual celebrations "Amartithi"—the eternal date (January 31st) on which Meher Baba left His physical form to live forevermore in the hearts of His lovers.

Within minutes of Meher Baba’s Samadhi at "Upper Meherabad" are the many buildings and sites that comprise "Lower Meherabad," the original headquarters for Meher Baba and His disciples in the Ahmednagar area. These include the early "Mandali Hall," where Baba would meet with His close "mandali," or disciples; the Jhopdi, where Meher Baba initiated His forty-four year silence in 1925; the Dhuni, or sacred fire, which is lit on the 12th of every month at Meher Baba’s standing instruction; and the graves of most of Baba’s longtime intimate male disciples. A Pilgrim Center, housing and providing food for up to fifty-six pilgrims at nominal rates, and larger hostels, staff quarters and an enclosed theater are also located in Lower Meherabad.

Although the Samadhi is open to all during the hours when it is open, reservations for stays at the Pilgrim Center must be made through Pilgrim Reservations

Source: http://www.meherbabainformation.org/meherabad.asp

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