October 22, 2024

Meher Baba films and online videos

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About Meher Baba

God In Human Form

Biography of Meher Baba, the Avatar of this Age, God In Human Form. Written and produced by Peter Nordeen. Narrated by Bruce Felknor. This exquisite blend of still photos, movie film, music and narration forms [... More info ...]

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About Meher Baba

Meher Baba's Grace

Meher Baba's Grace is 13 minutes of the most beautifully edited, high quality movie film clips of Baba, most of which are in color, that have been been taken from films made in the 40's [... More info ...]

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About Meher Baba

Meher Baba in America 1932

Excerpts from two 1932 newsreels: "Meher Baba's 1932 Message to America", and "Meher Baba at Harmon-on-Hudson 1932". The first film, discovered in 1993 in the archives of the University of South Carolina, was recorded in [... More info ...]

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About Meher Baba

Avatar Meher Baba's Universal Message

Message that Meher Baba gave on July 10th 1956, and stated it was for all, regardless of wheather one belives in Him or not.It is a message from God to mankind.

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