October 22, 2024
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3:- Online Resources

Lord Meher Website: Biography of Meher Baba

Lord Meher Web Site on Meher BabaWelcome to the online home of Lord Meher, the 20-volume biography of Avatar Meher Baba. !! All 6,742 pages of Avatar Meher Baba’s Biography “Lord Meher” are currently available online. To view any particular String or Word use the Search Menu or you can Brows the website pages with the help of the navigation menu. For more specific instructions see the Help page. You will likely encounter many empty pages or pages with just a small amount of text. These pages contain photos in the printed version. The photos are currently in the process of being incorporated into the site. Below is the original introduction to Lord Meher by the author, Bhau Kalchuri. [… More …]

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:- Audio Talks / Books

Mandali Hall Talks

Meher Baba Web SitesA non-profit library of over 1800 audio recordings including talks, discussions, stories, samadhi tunes and musical performances by Meher Baba’s mandali and other lovers. MandaliHall.org is a website with Audio/Video Clips of Meher Baba’s intimate Mandali or close disciples who spent their life with Baba. In the Meherazad Mandali Hall they were always happy to share their wonderful inspiring stories with the visitors, which have been recorded from time to time and uploaded on the MandaliHall.org website . [… More …]

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3:- Online Resources

Discourses by Meher Baba

Meher Baba Web SitesDiscourses is a book by Meher Baba that has received seven editions since 1939 and is still in print. Besides God Speaks it is considered the second most important of Meher Baba’s books by followers of Meher Baba. The book covers many subjects, both practical and highly esoteric. Some chapters go into the human search for the Truth and God, spiritual advancement, aspirants, various states of God-realized beings, the Avatar and discipleship. Other chapters deal methodically with several aspects of spiritual advancement and the spiritual path, such as the formation and removal of sanskaras (mental impressions), various aspects of meditation, transcending good and evil, and clarify Meher Baba’s views on such topics as occultism, reincarnation and maya. [… More …]

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3:- Online Resources

The Awakener Magazine

The Awakener Magazine of  Meher BabaJai Baba! Welcome to The Awakener Magazine website. This website contains all 67 issues of The Awakener Magazine conceived and edited by Filis Frederick during the years 1953-1986. The Awakener Magazine was produced with the direct approval of Meher Baba and was dedicated to spreading His message of Love and Truth.
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:- Audio Talks / Books

Audio Books

Meher Baba Web SitesThe Meher Media Website presents the Audio Files of some of the Meher Baba Books like Discourses and Listen Humanity. You can listen to the Full text of these Books online from this website as well download the files also … In this work, Meher Baba describes the means for incorporating daily life into one’s spiritual ongoing. He also outlines the structure of Creation to clarify the relationship of the aspirant to the Master. Meher Baba describes in detail the vertical system of God, His will to know Himself consciously, and the purpose of Creation in that will-to-consciousness. The Discourses are the practical guide for the aspirant [… More …]

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3:- Online Resources

Meher Baba Books and Videos online

Meher Baba Books Films and VideosFor information on available Meher Baba Books and Video Films etc, kindly visit the different sections of our website. The sections on Meher Baba Books and Publications makes available to you the complete list of all Books and Publications which you can obtain or subscribe whereas our website section on Meher Baba Films and Videos has a online Resource of all or most of the Available Films and Videos on Meher Baba as well as some online Videos which you can watch directly on our website. [… More …]

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3:- Online Resources

Meher Spiritual University

Meher Spiritual UniversityMeher Spiritual University or MSU is a online University imparting short courses based on the teachings of Meher Baba – One of the greatest spiritual masters of our time. MSU aims to impart real spiritual education on various spiritual subjects. Real spiritual education gives the gift of spiritual knowledge and the real spiritual knowledge fills the heart of the recipient with love for God. [… More …]

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