February 22, 2025

Discourses by Meher Baba

Meher Baba Web SitesDiscourses is a book by Meher Baba that has received seven editions since 1939 and is still in print. Besides God Speaks it is considered the second most important of Meher Baba’s books by followers of Meher Baba. The book covers many subjects, both practical and highly esoteric. Some chapters go into the human search for the Truth and God, spiritual advancement, aspirants, various states of God-realized beings, the Avatar and discipleship. Other chapters deal methodically with several aspects of spiritual advancement and the spiritual path, such as the formation and removal of sanskaras (mental impressions), various aspects of meditation, transcending good and evil, and clarify Meher Baba’s views on such topics as occultism, reincarnation and maya.

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Click on the link to Listen to the Audio files of Meher Baba’s Discourses

Discourses (Audio) Volume 1
Discourses (Audio) Volume 2
Discourses (Audio) Volume 3
Text of Discourses (PDF) online

The sixth edition is the last version of the Discourses published under Meher Baba’s direct supervision. Except for the typographical corrections as mentioned on the website, this electronic printing for the world wide web makes every effort to exactly preserve the wording, spelling, punctuation, italics, and other presentational aspects of the sixth edition, first printed in 1967. The drawing of Baba on these pages was done by Rano Gayley in 1972.

Meher Baba’s Discourses throw the light of true knowledge on many of life’s most perplexing problems. Inspiring and practical, the Discourses provide an ever-fresh framework of spiritual perspective on the challenges of everyday life. As Meher Baba stated, “Words that proceed from the Source of Truth have real meaning.” The Discourses bear eloquent testimony to that fact and will remain an incomparable companion for those seeking spiritual direction.

The present three-volume edition of Meher Baba’s original five-volume work is being published by Sufism Reoriented by express permission of Meher Baba, and under licence of his secretary, Adi K. Irani. Only arrangement of chapters, and editorial revisions where necessary, differentiate this edition from the earlier five-volume editions published from 1938 to 1954 in India.

Click on the link to Listen to the Audio files of Meher Baba’s Discourses

Discourses (Audio) Volume 1
Discourses (Audio) Volume 2
Discourses (Audio) Volume 3
Text of Discourses (PDF) online

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