March 12, 2025
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2:- Information Portals

Meher Archive

Meher Archive Collective seeks to create a safe space to preserve knowledge and objects associated with Meher Baba’s advent. Technology changes quickly, and we intend to stay on top of the changes, perhaps causing us to rapidly adapt and convert old stored media into new formats. This close cooperation can lead to “complete” records being gathered digitally, and then stored in strategic locations around the world to reduce the chance of any one regional calamity (fire, war, or natural disaster) from wiping out a whole collection. The tools and the talent are available. Will you join us in donating time or financial resources to make this vision a reality?

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2:- Information Portals

Beloved Archives

Beloved ArchivesBeloved Archives is a universal spiritual archive functioning in the United States under Meher Baba’s mandate of helping God-seekers everywhere to live the life of divine love, selfless service and spiritual unity. Those who aspire to realize God through love, come to the archive to learn about Meher Baba’s life, work and teachings. [… More …]

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Collection of Sayings of Meher Baba

Collection of sayings of Meher BabaIntroducing a new collection of quotes by & attributed to Meher Baba, arranged in alphabetical categories, a format inspired by Meher Baba’s use of the alphabet board Compiled by Chris Maier. Please download full connection in PDF format.. [… More …]

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2:- Information Portals

Meher Baba Travels

Meher Baba’s life and His travels, places and Mandali . Good informative website with lots of information about Meher Baba, his Mandali, Books, Travels, rare photographs etc. Webmaster Anthony Zois Avatar Meher Baba. It [… More …]

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Meher Baba Holland (Dutch)

Meher Baba Dutch website Welkom op de site van Meher Baba Holland. In Nederland bestaat sinds kort ook een Nederlands-talige site. Hier kunt U lezen wie Meher Baba is. – Jai Baba THE WEBSITES SEEMS [… More …]

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