March 28, 2025

Meher Archive

Meher Archive – Permanent Archive

Meher Archive Collective seeks to create a safe space to preserve knowledge and objects associated with Meher Baba’s advent. Technology changes quickly, and we intend to stay on top of the changes, perhaps causing us to rapidly adapt and convert old stored media into new formats.

Meher Archive Collective
PO Box 18908
Asheville, NC 28814-0908

Meher Archive Collective has been actively searching for both land and buildings to create a permanent spiritual archive relating to the life and legacy of Meher Baba.​ This quest has lead us to this most unique opportunity that meets all of our needs now and into the future.

Why Asheville?

Asheville and the surrounding area is home to more than 200 Baba Lovers and growing. There are currently dozens who regularly help with this project. Asheville is located in the mountains of North Carolina and has a moderate climate, has the hydrology and elevation to completely avoid floods, and other positives when building a long-lasting facility. Home to the annual Music Sahavas, Asheville regularly hosts Baba followers from all over the world for events and visits.

​Reason For Physical Archive

Meher Archive Collective seeks to create a safe space in the USA for workers to preserve and share knowledge and objects associated with Meher Baba’s advent. There are many smaller collections whose future remains uncertain and is in some stage of unfinished work. These treasures of knowledge and presence need preservation here in America. Technology changes quickly, and we intend to stay on top of the changes, causing us to adapt and convert old stored media into new formats.

Contact Meher Archive

Or write to us:
Meher Archive Collective
PO Box 18908
Asheville, NC 28814-0908

To connect with the following departments please send us an email.
New Life Library
[email protected]
The Archive Dept
[email protected]
Art Submissions
[email protected]
For all other questions or comments please email:
[email protected]

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