October 22, 2024
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:- Media Websites

Meher AMBCSC Archive

Meher Baba Web SitesAMBCSC ARCHIVES is a depository of print, audio, photo, film and Meher Baba’s precious personal relics. The archive film assets now number over 2000 units mostly home movies. The Archive approach is to reclaim the video and the audio from these home movies which is a very demanding task. Most films were not shot with professional equipment thus the viewer needs to be informed otherwise there is the expectation that the sound quality should be exceptional. [… More …]

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:- Media Websites

Meher Film Works

Meher Baba Web SitesMeher Filmworks is devoted to quality video presentations of Avatar Meher Baba – His life, His image and His Mission. Two films have been produced. The first film, God In Human Form, has been translated into 8 languages. You will find all language versions here in their entirety. The second film, You Alone Exist, is a music video of the prayer-poem written by Meher Baba and disciple, Bhau Kalchuri. [… More …]

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