April 26, 2024

Kendras NoteBook

Blog on Meher Baba started by Kendra Crossen Burroughs, an American Baba-lover since 1968. You may find interesting information, Summaries, Talks and postings on Baba by Kendra in Kendra’s NoteBook and recently posted first little video, a short clip of Phyllis Ott taken in her kitchen. The Blog is regularly updated with new Articles and information on Meher Baba world..

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I am Kendra Crossen Burroughs, an American Baba-lover since 1968. My lifelong profession has been as a book editor, and I have also published some of my own writing, including an annotated book on the Bhagavad Gita and one on selections from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. After publishing articles and reviews in the Glow International and the Love Street LampPost, I began my “Kendra’s Notebook” blog to gather some of my old and new writings about Meher Baba, including introductory articles on Baba and accounts of local events in Myrtle Beach. At many programs held at Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, I took notes and then wrote up a summary of the talk (or video of a talk) for those who could not be there. These are on my blog and include talks by Filis Frederick, Lud Dimpfl, Jangu Irani (Mehera’s nephew), Stella and Ralph Hernandez, Don Stevens, Jimmy Khan, Charles Haynes, Esfandiar Vesali, and others. I also feature the work of Baba artists such as Balagopala, Diana Le Page, Marla Faith, and Vicente Herrero Heca. My most popular article, according to what people tell me they like, is called “Say Goodbye to Worry” and describes my preference for determinism over free will. Recently I posted my first little video, a short clip of Phyllis Ott taken in my kitchen. I look forward to devoting more time to writing my personal thoughts about Meher Baba as well as sharing the words and images of others.

Kendra’s NoteBook

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