Meherabad Hill Library

Meherabad Hill Library is an official organ of the A.M.B.P.P.C. Trust, Ahmednagar (M.S.) India 414006. The library is taking up the continuation of the “Bal Natu Project,” which was very dear to Bal Natu’s heart. Bal Natu was a resident of Meherazad for several years, and he ran a project of collecting Baba stories from the Baba pilgrims visiting there. The stories are very touching and reflect upon Beloved Baba’s inner working as to how He would draw different souls in different ways to Him, exclusive to each individual.

Bal Natu published these beautiful stories in a series of books which were not only cheap and affordable but very popular also. Two books in the series are entitled Showers of Grace and The Compassionate Father. After Bal Natu’s passing away, his cherished project came to an apparent end, but now the Meherabad Hill Library is reviving that project and requesting Baba lovers all over the world to send their stories to the library, with a limit of 4-5 typed pages (1200-1500 words). The most welcome aspect of these stories would be how Baba initially drew one to Him or any such episode which would be worth sharing with other Baba lovers.

These stories can be sent via e-mail as an attachment, and a separate typed copy can be sent directly to the library by post or pilgrim courier. Stories can be submitted in any language and then translated into English. The library’s mail address is Meherabad Hill Library, Post Meherabad, Ahmednagar (MS) India 414006. The library’s e-mail address is

These stories will be made available in the library to readers, and when enough material is collected, then the publication of these stories can be taken up. At this point in time, the library has received several lovely stories, but more stories are needed in order for the collection to reflect the richness of the Baba community’s experiences. So please do submit the story of your most precious moments with the Beloved. You will have an enchanting stroll down memory lane, and Baba can use your story to awaken the hearts of others to the beauty of His love.

If you are a member of a Baba group or near a Baba Center, please print out this e-mail and leave it out at your group’s meetings or at your Center. Also, please have the attached copy printed in your group’s newsletter.

Jai Meher Baba,

Gokaran and Urmilla Shrivastava,
Librarians, Meherabad Hill Library
Meherabad Hill Library,
Post Meherabad,
Ahmednagar (MS) India 414006.
The library’s e-mail address is:-

[Source: Email Circular.]