Murli Kale family letters

Murli Kale family letters

– Message from Meher Baba regarding Murli’s proposed marriage –

This letter was written by Meher Baba in 1959 to his men mandali Murli Kale who later left Baba’s Meherabad ashram and began to practice Homeopathy at Jabalpur (India). Murli was blessed with a son and as the news reached Meher Baba named the child as Meheroba (Niket Kale) and wished the name to be given on Baba’s own birthday 25 Feb 1959

Meher Baba writes to Murli Kale’s son Meheroba (dt.16.03.1959) from Guruprasad, Pune, that

This is for the first time I have dictated a letter to a child, not even a year old, because it is the first time I have received a letter from you (Meheroba), who is just 3 months old, with your thumb impression.Love to you

(As dictated by Baba)

Meher Baba sends Telegram on 26 Feb 1966 and March 1967 and 26 Feb 1968 with Blessings to Meheroba and parents. The reason for receiving these Telegrams is not clear. It is assumed that Baba named Murli’s son as Meheroba and instructed to give this name on his own birthday 25th Feb 1959, so these Telegrams may have followed as Blessings from Baba during around birthday time. The last Telegram is dated 26th Feb 1969 saying “AVATAR MEHER BABA KI JAI”, as Baba dropped his physical body on 31st of January 69.

[Nirmala in Black Saree. Babu or Shreedhar Kalemama’s son]

Nirmala Kale

Nirmala was Kalemama’s daughter-in-law and was married to Babu or Shreedhar Kale. Babu alongwith Murli was one of the students in Hazrat Babajan School started by Meher Baba in 1927. Later he became a Teacher in his sisters school Sanjeevan Vidhyalaya, Panchgani near Pune (India). At Panchgani he met Nirmala and they married but the tie did not last longer. Nirmala got a job as Metron of Central Jail Jabalpur and moved out while Shreedhar remained in Panchgani scool till last. Nirmala requested Baba to release Murli from ashram life and after New Life Baba issued New Life Circular no 27, releasing Murli Kale who thus came to Jabalpur to practice Homeopathy. Murli later married and settled at Jabalpur until 1977 when he passed away on 6th Feb.

Nirmala was a poetess and wrote many songs to Baba which Baba apreciated. Once Baba remembered her very much and asked Mandali to write to her conveying his blessings. When Nirmala passed away in 1968 Meher Baba sent a Telegram that she now rests in Him.

Murli Kale

Murli Kale was born on 27 July 1913 at Akalkot in Bombay State (India). His father Kalemama was Meher Baba’s old Mandali since 1927. Murli alongwith his elder brother Babu or Shreedhar joined Babas ashram and both brothers were among the first few students of Hazrat Babajan school started in 1927 at Meherabad. Murli later qualified in Homeopathy and also looked after Meherabad dispensary and further joined New Life in 1949. Baba Highly praised Murli for his exemplary behavior and cheerful attitude during upheavals of New Life.

“When the meeting was ending, Baba turned to Murli Kale and, before everyone, praised him for his consistently exemplary behavior in conforming with the conditions of the New Life. From among all the companions, Baba stated that Murli alone had managed to remain cheerful throughout all the ups and down faced so far. Baba folded his hands to Murli as a salaam in recognition of his merits. The meeting ended at eleven o’clock that morning, and Baba departed.”

“The men agreed that Murli had indeed managed to fulfill the New Life conditions. Once, when they had been traveling by bus, Baba told the companions to get down and come by the next bus, which they did. At the bus stand Murli saw his sister. In obedience to the conditions, he turned his face and walked away without speaking to her. The next day, he received a telegram that his sister had died; even then he kept up a cheerful appearance.”

LORD MEHER, Vol. Nine & Ten, pp. 3586-3587
Copyright 1996 Lawrence Reiter

For all Men and Women mandali who joined New life, Identity Cards were got issued from Ahmednagar Post office for proving their identity during ups and downs of New Life. Scan of Murli Kales identity card issued on 5th July 1949 is above, which shows his permanent address as Meherabad, Ahmednagar District (India).

Also Murli was very close to Don Stevens and Don arranged for his higher studies in Homeopathy at London. Murli’s passport copy is also above with permanent address at Meher Baba’s ashram Meherabad. However he never went to England and stayed in India rest of his life after New life ended.

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