On Monday, February 28th, 2022, the Board of Trustees of Avatar Meher Baba Trust selected Framroze J. Mistry, known as Falu, to serve as the Chairman of the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, the Avatar Meher Baba Trust (Firstly), and the Meherazad Public Charitable Trust.
Falu was born in Mumbai in February 1952 and named by Meher Baba Himself. His parents, Jimmy and Roda Mistry were close disciples of Baba; his aunt was Arnavaz Dadachanji and his great-uncle was Chanji, one of Baba’s closest mandali. Because of his devoted Baba family, Falu spent memorable days as a child and teenager in Beloved Baba’s divine and loving company in Mumbai, Meherazad, and mostly in Guruprasad.
As a grown-up, after earning a bachelor’s degree in accounting, Falu came to reside in Meherazad in 1978 and has been a trustee of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust since 1996.
Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!
Jai Baba dear Baba Family,
I came to Meherabad on 31st March 1996 after my retirement from active service to offer my services in any capacity at Meherabad. Since then I have made many friends not only in the Indian Baba community but also throughout the world.
Later on, Beloved Avatar Meher Baba gave me an opportunity to serve Him first as a Trustee and then as a Chairman of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust and I will be ever grateful to Him for the same. Today I am at the end of my term as a Trustee of Avatar Meher Baba P.P.C.Trust, and therefore vacate my position as Trustee and consequently the Chairman of the Trust.
I thank you all for your love and cooperation during my tenure as Trustee and Chairman. With Beloved Baba’s Grace, I plan to continue to stay at Meherabad and serve Him in whatever little way I can.
The Trust is going through a very difficult phase in that the Govt. authorities have for whatever reason, not known to us, cancelled the permission to receive donations from foreign Baba lovers, which used to form a very substantial part of the Trust Income. We are making all possible efforts to get the necessary permission restored but do not know when that will happen. It is only up to Him to take us out of this situation.
At this juncture, I will only appeal to the Indian Baba Lovers to step up their generosity and extend maximum possible help to the Trust.
In His Love,
Shridhar Kelkar
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