Avatar of the Age Movie

Meher Baba the Avatar of the Age Movie comes from Irwin Luck's Production House. Completed in 1989 the film has many small films photographed by Dr.C.D.Deshmukh. Also the film has some very rare and exclusive footages of Meher Baba's Mast work or contact with some rare Masts. The Film was also released in some Cinema Halls in USA. The soundtrack for Irwin Luck's film, with all the music from the film and the readings of Baba's words by Henry Kashouty.. .


The Movie was scheduled to Premier at the Beautiful Palace of Fine Arts Theater 3301 Lyon St., San Francisco, CA on JULY 2 TO 15, 2004 (2 weeks). Four shows daily. 4PM - 5:40PM - 7:30PM - 9:10PM. The movie is available on DVD and you may contact through the website

"Irwin Luck"

Oceanpower Film Distributor Inc.
1130 Waterway Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
U.S.A. Phone: 843-491-4061
Website: www.AvatarOfTheAge.com

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" . . . This amazing film, is being offered now on DVD. 1 Hour 20 minutes. A Divine Documentary Love Story, 7 years in production. We follow Meher Baba in many of his activities as we see and feel what it was like to be with the Avatar of this age. Meher Baba's quotes are used throughout the film in which he explains what he is doing. He reveals his mission, the meaning of his silence, who He is, what the world can expect from him, what he expects from those who approach him and what he does to bring others to the ultimate enlightenment of God Realization.

This is the complete 1 hour 20 minute movie which was upgraded for theater presentation and is now on DVD, containing the introduction and all picture image enhancements. . . . "

August 3, 2004
"Irwin Luck" reporting on Theater Launch of the Film in US.

This is my report to all who are interested, and to all those who supported this work of bringing into theaters and to the world the one who needs no introduction because we each have met him in our very own hearts whether we have recognized Him or not.

The Movie "MEHER BABA" Avatar of the Age and "The Extravaganza of the Heart" Art Exhibition at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater was attended by thousands of people during its two week engagement in San Francisco from July 2 to 15, 2004.

Meher Baba once stated: "I created the media because I have a universal message to give to the world." Who could do such a thing except the one who created everything. Apparently the time had come, after many ages, that humanity was sufficiently awake for him to reveal more truths about the spiritual path so that the consciousness of mankind would continue to advance toward finding ones true identity as God.

Many who came to this amazing event shed tears during the film. Never was a love like this seen before, never was a life like this lived by anyone. It was there for all to see.

At the same time 2 to 3 million people throughout the San Francisco Bay area of about 50 cities were seeing everyday the movie ads which where also very informative as to who the Avatar is and the importance of Meher Baba and His mission in the world.

The 6,000 sq. ft. grand lobby of the theater contained nearly 100 magnificent Art works of the Advent of Avatar Meher Baba by Artists from around the country. The exhibit was very impressive and drew much praise from those who saw it. I estimate about 3/4 of the people who came to the theater knew little or nothing of Meher Baba but came as a result of hearing about this film from the advertising and word of mouth. Each day more and more people came. In the 2nd week the numbers of people hearing about this extraordinary show continued to increase and they were coming from everywhere.

The atmosphere was charged from the 1st day and the feeling of His presence and incredible love shined like the sun. One had only to be there to enjoy it. There was about 14 staff people each day to answer questions and to assist those that came. The questions I was asked most by the audience after seeing the movie was; did Meher Baba break His silence? What was the violent physical death he said he would have? My replies to the first question was varied. The Avatar gave the world a book "God Speak" in which He spoke through His silence and described the journey of the soul. He also explained many things in silence about how he could be heard. "I am never silent, I speak eternally, the voice that is heard deep within the soul is my voice, the voice of inspiration, intuition of inner guidance, to those who are receptive to this voice, I speak."

And how will we know if it is his voice? "When the word of my love, breaks out of its silence to speak in your hearts, telling you who I really am, then you will know that is the word you have always been longing to hear". He explained years ago that the cause of his death would be a strange and mysterious disease that would attack his body. As it turned out He suffered such violent physical spasms that his body would lift off the bed. The doctors offered different causes for His death which did not agree. So his death was violent, strange and mysterious as He said it would be. He explained that the suffering of the Avatar is not for himself but for the world. What He takes upon himself others do not have to suffer. I do not know at this time where it will show next as I am still winding down all that had to be done with this event. But this is not the end. It is just the beginning because the world has to see this movie and feel what it was like to be with Him as He carried out His mission on earth.

Finally, I would like to offer a special thanks to The Consortium of the Arts for volunteering to use there expertise in setting up the magnificent Art Works by Artists from around the country in the Grand lobby and to the local Meher Baba group for staffing the theater every day for two weeks and to both groups for working together so seamlessly with so much love for Him to help make this event one that will be remembered for all time. These were the days when the Avatar was introduced to so many millions of people in this great region of the country.

In His loving service,

"Irwin Luck"
Project Director
Oceanpower Film Distributor Inc.
1130 Waterway Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
U.S.A. Phone: 843-491-4061
Website: www.AvatarOfTheAge.com

For more information on Meher Baba Music, Meher Baba Books and online Magazines, Films and Videos on Meher Baba. Photographs and Images and various Avatar MeherBaba Centers, Meher Publications or Meherabad and Meherazad, Baba's Mandali, Perfect Masters, Spiritual Saints and Sadgurus of India or TRUSTMEHER please : Click Here


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