The Beloved: The Life and Work of Meher Baba

By Naosherwan Anzar

Essentially a pictorial biography, this book offers a clear, easy-to-read introduction to Meher Baba’s life and work, including fascinating details not found in other biographies, such as a family tree charting the sometimes complex network of Meher Baba’s close relatives. Lavishly illustrated with 165 photographs covering every stage of Baba’s life. An appendix includes several of Baba’s important messages and a brief glossary defines unfamiliar terms.

Full of heart and love, this unusual biography combines text, annotations, and 165 photographs to provide a fascinating record of Meher Baba’s early childhood; his contacts with his spiritual Masters; and the 50 subsequent years of extraordinary work. The text is based on both published and unpublished diaries and notes from Baba’s earliest disciples. Illustrated with photos throughout.

The Life and Work of Meher Baba.
by Naosherwan Anzar.
Softcover, 158 pages.
Published 1974.

More than just a biography, this book is also filled with a marvelous pictorial record of His early years, containing 165 photos.

Naosherwan Anzar first met Avatar Meher Baba as a child and spent much time with Him, and in writing this book he draws from many sources. From the earliest times Meher Baba instructed various of His disciples to keep extremely detailed diaries, transcribing verbatim all of His talks. Thus, Naosherwan was able to supplement his own personal knowledge and experience of Meher Baba with the invaluable information contained in these diaries.



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