As Only God Can Love
Darwin C. Shaw
One of the earliest of Meher Baba’s American disciples, Darwin Shaw presents here a phenomenal memoir of a man who has lived in the world but has spent most of his life following and personally serving the being he instantly recognized as the Christ.
Darwin was twenty-four when he first heard of Meher Baba and twenty-six when he met Baba in 1934.
New Books recently published on Meher Baba from various Authors worldwide, read the excerpt of…
All of this is presented and recounted in Creation and its Causes, a new major…
Divya Vani Edited by Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen
God Speaks by Meher Baba is a vivid description of the theme of creation and…
In God’s Hand reproduces in facsimile a unique 39-page autograph manuscript in Meher Baba’s own…